Just to let everybody know, since 2000, Zimbabwe has a land reform program in place, where they "re-distribute" the land from Whites to "poor blacks." But what they really do is just give it to Mugabe's cronies, and wealthy elite.
There was supposed to be a program where farmers were to be compensated for some land, while they kept some of thte land, and taught the new tenants how to farm. But once Mugabe refused to do so, Britain refused to fund him because he wasn't using the money given to him to buy the land.
Well, eventually, Mugabe just rewrote the constitution, and started kicking Whites off their farms, sometimes violently where theer homes and all possessions were burned. Some were even killed - women ****d, etc.
There's rumored to be a few hundred White farmers left who somehow managed to bribe, or help support Mugabe's regme, so they were allowed to keep their l and. But even now, they are being run off.
Well, guess what happened once the land was taken from the White farmers? Yup - Zimbabwe went from being a net food exporter - once dubbed "the breadbasket of Africa" because it produced so much food,, to a net food importer within a decade!!!
Zimbabwe went from being one of the wealthiest countries in Africa, where both blacks and Whites had thet highest life expectancy on the continent, and lifestyles comparable to some EUropean countries... Now, they have like the fifth lowest life expectancy in the world, AIDS is rampant, people are starving...
Inflation once was so bad, it was like 10000000% - it took twnety billion zimbabwe dollars to equal one British pound (where it used to be one Zim dollar = one British pound). Now the Zimbabwean dollar has been scrapped, and Zim uses USD, and South AFrican Rand.