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Zimbabwe gives 90 days for remaining White farmers to vacate land...

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    Zimbabwe gives 90 days for remaining White farmers to vacate land...

    Just to let everybody know, since 2000, Zimbabwe has a land reform program in place, where they "re-distribute" the land from Whites to "poor blacks." But what they really do is just give it to Mugabe's cronies, and wealthy elite.

    There was supposed to be a program where farmers were to be compensated for some land, while they kept some of thte land, and taught the new tenants how to farm. But once Mugabe refused to do so, Britain refused to fund him because he wasn't using the money given to him to buy the land.

    Well, eventually, Mugabe just rewrote the constitution, and started kicking Whites off their farms, sometimes violently where theer homes and all possessions were burned. Some were even killed - women ****d, etc.

    There's rumored to be a few hundred White farmers left who somehow managed to bribe, or help support Mugabe's regme, so they were allowed to keep their l and. But even now, they are being run off.

    Well, guess what happened once the land was taken from the White farmers? Yup - Zimbabwe went from being a net food exporter - once dubbed "the breadbasket of Africa" because it produced so much food,, to a net food importer within a decade!!!

    Zimbabwe went from being one of the wealthiest countries in Africa, where both blacks and Whites had thet highest life expectancy on the continent, and lifestyles comparable to some EUropean countries... Now, they have like the fifth lowest life expectancy in the world, AIDS is rampant, people are starving...

    Inflation once was so bad, it was like 10000000% - it took twnety billion zimbabwe dollars to equal one British pound (where it used to be one Zim dollar = one British pound). Now the Zimbabwean dollar has been scrapped, and Zim uses USD, and South AFrican Rand.

    I'm sure most of you had no idea these gross human rights violations were occuring, because the western media won't report on it.

    Although our governments have placed sanctions on MUgabe and his regime for human rights violations.

    There's a documentary called "Mugabe and the White Farmer" and it's extremely sad, and eye-opening.


      Can't report on criminal victims if they're white. Goes against ******* agenda of white privilege.


        The first time they did this, the white farmers left and their infrastructure was left in such disarray that they tried to force them to come back (temporarily!), accusing them of a racist plot: Leaving too quickly.

        Good to see progress.

        When the pharaoh returns from his interstellar journey and all impure genes are cast into the sea, Africa will reclaim it's former glory.
        Last edited by ////; 01-26-2015, 10:27 AM.


          My friend owned several farms out there whilst working as a pilot, what typically happens is that the farms are reassigned to black owners but are then just leased back to the white family for a fee because frankly they don't tell the new black land owners how to farm. It is not something inherently wrong with black farmers which mean that they can't produce food, its that they literally do not know how to farm properly.

          I have a billion dollar Zimbabwean note lying around that he gave me, a lot of whites tend to work within tourism in Zim now. I visited a while back and stayed with my friends, its odd because white people are still very much the wealthier class in Zim. A lot of white Zimbaweans just set up shop in Zambia eventually.


            Originally posted by Ryn0 View Post
            My friend owned several farms out there whilst working as a pilot, what typically happens is that the farms are reassigned to black owners but are then just leased back to the white family for a fee because frankly they don't tell the new black land owners how to farm. It is not something inherently wrong with black farmers which mean that they can't produce food, its that they literally do not know how to farm properly.

            I have a billion dollar Zimbabwean note lying around that he gave me, a lot of whites tend to work within tourism in Zim now. I visited a while back and stayed with my friends, its odd because white people are still very much the wealthier class in Zim. A lot of white Zimbaweans just set up shop in Zambia eventually.
            Yeah, that's what I've heard eventually happens with a lot of the farms. They lease them back to the former White owners.

            I honestly think there should have been some sort of proper land reform, because there was some land that White settlers just took, and kicked off the origijnal owners (some of them are still alive today, because it happened after WW2). But most of the land nobody was living on, as the Africans did not find favor the cooler climate in the higher elevations.

            But yes - they should have compensated the farmers for giving, say, 1/3 of their land to new black farmers, and the Whites would have been side by side with the blacks teaching them how to farm.

            Also - it wasn't even the landless blacks who got the land! It was Mugabe's "war vets" and other wealthy politicians in his ZANU-PF party which has ruled since independence in 1980.

            Beautiful country, isn't it? Some of the best weather in the world...


              Originally posted by 80sFighter View Post
              The first time they did this, the white farmers left and their infrastructure was left in such disarray that they tried to force them to come back (temporarily!), accusing them of a racist plot: Leaving too quickly.

              Good to see progress.

              When the pharaoh returns from his interstellar journey and all impure genes are cast into the sea, Africa will reclaim it's former glory.

              The infrastructure there now, save for a few wealthy suburbs in Harare (Borrowdale, Avondale), and areas in Mashonaland West where there's still the presence of wealthy Whites, and wealthy blacks, is completely run down. There's huge potholes everywhere, and the dirt roads are actually better to drive on... The electricity is shaky, and unless you have a generator, you're likely to lose power 2-3 times a week for hours on end.

              Central Harare, once a clean, prosperous, booming economic heart of Southern Africa, is now dusty, with street vendors and **********s on every corner. Lots of beautiful buildings rotting away, empty.

              Mugabe is friggen 90 something years old, and is the only leader Zimbabwe has ever known. He claims it's a "racist plot" by the West to force a regime change - the sanctions they placed are the reason for the country going to hell in less than a decade, NOT him forcing out the farmers, which 1/3 of their economy was based on... Heh, even though when Rhodesia claimed independence from UK in 1965, it still continued to see economic growth despite much worse sanctions placed on the country than there are now.

              I'd bet the entire Zimbabwean economy is worth maybe 8 billion dollars.


                Originally posted by Mannie Phresh View Post
                Can't report on criminal victims if they're white. Goes against ******* agenda of white privilege.
                This... Same thing with the mass murder of White farmers, and "Boers" in general, in South Africa.

                Genocide Watch, a highly respected international team that notes areas, and countries on the verge of genocide, on in the process of genocide, has the Boer farmers at like stage 5 (out of 8 possible stages)... Yet you'd think SA was "the beautiful rainbow nation" the wonderful, peaceful Nelson Mandela created (not to mention Mandela's REAL history - that's another thread, though).


                  A lot of the White farmers were asked by neighboring countries (Zambia, Botswana) to come and farm there. They were given massive government loans, and assistance to get started. They realize how valuable these farmers are, and the knowledge they have cannot be substituted.

                  Some went to Kenya... Hell, even Georgia (the country bordering Russia, not the US state) started a program to convince a lot of the farmers to move there and farm.

                  Most of the Whites in Zmbabwe are now living in UK, Australia, and New Zealand, though. I bet most Brits on here either personally know a Rhodesian, or know of one living nearby.


                    So this guy in power tried to make it seem like he was helping the poor brothers to help balance the country but now he's just fuuuuckin em over?

