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Idris Elba the next James Bond?

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    Originally posted by creekrat77 View Post
    No um I know there is black people in Scotland and Sweden. What I meant to say was James Bonds parents, Andrew and Monique Bond, are of white decent. I don't know how else to put it. Why force Elba as Commander James Bond when they could easily add him into the universe as another inter-working character or spy or whatever.

    Change is good though. I can't wait for the Wire film adaptation. I here Stringer Bell and many other characters are being changed to different races so it will be more PC and garner a larger, more accepting, audience for the criminal underworld of Baltimore. I agree. The criminology of Baltimore goes deeper then just the African-American protagonist the write so lazily portrayed. Fair is fair and I want to see Stringer Bell as a Ginger ******.
    The backstory of James Bonds parents have absolutely no relevance to the story. James Bonds race has no relevance to the story.

    In the Shawshank Redemption Red was a Irish American, yet in the movie adaption was played by an African American actor. Morgan Freeman owned the part so much it's hard to see anyone else in that role now.

    To play James Bond you have to have charisma, you have to be suave, you have to be good looking and you have to be a bit of a badass. Elba is all these things, more so than some of the guys who have actually played Bond. I think if he is given the chance to play the role Elba would own it.


      Actually it was reported that Fleming based the books on WWII double agent Joan Pujol Garcia who was originally from Spain and spied for the British while serving as a double agent. Fleming was assigned to watch him and studied the spy while he was womanizing and spending hours at the baccarat tables.


        Anyone that thinks a black person shouldn't play the role of this traditionally white persons role is simply racist.
 the atypical position I absolutely hate!

        I'm a massive Bond fan and would probably rather see a white person take the role if nothing else for some continuity. For the same reason they need to have a British voice.

        People were in uproar about having a blonde Bond. So the world will go crazy when this becomes a near reality. Good PR then could benefit, but handling the backlash poorly too many will find it hard to accept the idea of Bond now being black.

        Daniel Craig absolutely owns the role. The same could very well happen with Elba so I'm open to the idea, he is many of the things the character itself is. Blonde, then black, yeah next decade he'll be be an Asian woman. Now that crosses the line, this just about doesn't for me.
        Last edited by Kris Silver; 12-30-2014, 08:48 AM.


          no way, he's teh blak.


            First off, I've seen nothing credible to say these "hacked e-mails" from a "sony executive" are anything other than some random cuckold who works for Sony saying he'd pick Idris Elba for the role because he fantasises about coming home to see him pounding his wife every night while he watches through the keyhole.

            Second, it's incredibly ****** and only a PC *****whipped little gayboy would say otherwise. You want a black spy film make Action Jackson 2. This isn't casting Bob from the walking dead as a black guy when the comic book character was white (who cares?) it's James Frigging Bond.

            Third, Idris Elba is a good tv actor but he's had like 1 big budget leading role, and it flopped. I saw No Good Deed the other day and he wasn't particularly stunning in that either. Basically he's a TV actor, you can't always transfer from TV success to movies.

            Finally, he's already 42, Daniel Craig's (who started at 38) doing the next film which is supposed to come out next year, they probably won't bring out another one for 2-3 years after that, he'll be older than even Roger Moore was when he took over as Bond. By the time he finishes a 3-4 film run he'd look like James Bonds granddad.


              Originally posted by creekrat77 View Post
              ........he's black. James Bonds parents were Scottish and Swedish. They died in a hiking accident in trying to scale the north-east ridge of the Aiguille de la Persévérance. I don't think anyone wants some self entitled director to have an "inspiration" and rewrite the frame work that Ian Fleming has already perfected. But I could be wrong. Maybe people want that.

              It would make more since to make Elba a 00 agent in the bond universe. HeII maybe even make a few spin offs.
              Scottish and Swiss.


                Originally posted by Welsh Jon View Post
                Hacked e mails from Sony Pictures suggest that Idris Elba (The Wire, Luthor) is the favourite to take over as 007 after Daniel Craig's run is finished. Craig is only contracted for one more movie in the franchise.

                I know that the Daily Mail comment section has nearly melted down in rage at the thought of a black James Bond.
                What is the view of the Lounge?
                Scummy paper.

                Originally posted by Welsh Jon View Post
                I dunno. I like Elba. He can play a badass but is also pretty suave. I think that's what you want in a Bond.
                Elba would make an awesome JB


                  Kevin Hart should be the new Bond


                    Idris is the man but do they really need to make more James Bond movies?

