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"Justice" System In This Country

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    Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
    They usually do time if there is evidence that a crime was committed. Not all wrongdoing is criminal.

    I remember there was a piece doing the rounds online for a while that juxtaposed a guy who stole ten dollars or something and a guy who embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars saying how unfair it was that the ten dollar thief got longer in jail and pointing out that he was poor and black while the other guy was a banker. Problem was the ten dollars was stolen in an armed bank robbery.

    Violent crimes should face stiffer penalties. Violent criminals are a bigger danger to society for one thing. Take a nonviolent criminal who embezzles a million dollars: How likely is he to do it again once he gets caught?
    How many people went to jail for the financial crisis? I think it was 1 guy sentenced for 2 years. They ****ed up the economy and lost/stole billions. That is far more damaging than some guy coming into a store with a knife and asking for money

    Those crimes are so complicated that if you can figure out what they did, they'll hire you to work for them


      Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
      How many cases? Better yet, how many cases are prosecuted, how many use "battered spouse" as a defense and how often is it successful?
      As far as I know no scientific studies have been done on it so data collection isn't available on the matter, I could try and find as many cases as possible that fall under your definition but it'd be a pretty big waste of time for me to do so, well, maybe it wouldn't but I'm too lazy to try.

      It's not solely battered woman syndrome I'm talking about though, even a woman's period can be used as a legitimate defense to absolve her of crimes/responsibility.

      The main issue I have however is women getting lenient sentences/let off completely for committing crimes that would get men lifed off completely.

      For instance this:

      5 years in a young offenders institute for one and 4 years in prison for the other. This is a pretty clear cut case for murder and even if it's not, those sentences are absolutely disgusting for the crime committed.

      Imagine a man stabbing a woman in the vagina and his brother leaving the woman to die as she begs for help on the floor, phoning the woman's family and effectively taunting them about it, it'd be front page news and cries of "violence against females" talked about for months.

      Or how about this one:

      She stabbed this young man to death in front of his younger brother and sister, she stabbed him that hard the knife went 17cm's deep.

      She got "culpable homicide" for this crime and gets 10 years? It's once again a clear case of murder. When a man does this he gets lifed off for murder (and rightly so) but when a woman does it, more lenience is shown despite the abhorrent nature of the crime.


        Also the whole concept of something like "battered wife syndrome" being a legitimate defense to premeditated murder is absolutely absurd to me, if that's the case could I kill someone because they tormented and bullied me for years and call it self-defense?


          Saw same thing happen locally with a woman who shot her husband in the back of the head while he was sleeping. No one ever saw bruise on her, no police reports, etc... She walked.

          I work in the system, a Judge told me America had the "Least worst system in the world." It is what it is


            it's sad as **** to hear that story about your friend. may he rest in peace.

            but to be honest AMERICA has the best system. try living in 3rd world countries and see how the system works hahahaha!


              That's crazy man sorry to hear that my he R.l.P.


                Originally posted by Ivansmamma View Post
                In sweden you can beat an 78 year old lady to death over a parking lot dispute and get 22 months and get out after serving 2/3 of the time...
                What are you trying to say? Do you have evidence that lenient sentencing isn't a good thing? If only as a yardstick by which to measure the benignity of a society...

