Everyone on boxingscene should post their youtube accounts, we'll all subscribe to each other, make sure we watch each other's videos (don't have to watch them all the way through)... then the money will come rolling in. /evillaugh
Everyone on boxingscene should post their youtube accounts, we'll all subscribe to each other, make sure we watch each other's videos (don't have to watch them all the way through)... then the money will come rolling in. /evillaugh
I have no idea how it works... I think that you get revenue when you let your vids show ads
I have no idea how it works... I think that you get revenue when you let your vids show ads
Yes, once you get a certain amount of subscribers, you are then asked if you'd like ads to be shown on your videos. If you decline, then you get no money sent to you on a monthly basis. If you agree, the money starts rolling in.
1. The numbers are true & I'm not saying it's wrong or anything, I'm just shocked they're making so much.
2. TV shows usually last for at least 30 minutes. These people are getting paid millions to upload 5+ minute videos.
3. I'm surprised that you can become a millionaire from making crappy 5+ minute videos. That shocks me.
I just never thought of uploading youtube videos as a way of getting rich, ya know? Not exactly the kind of thing that crosses your mind.
Yea but I'm saying is, money is made in advertisement, so it makes perfect sense. Youtube is watched by hundreds of millions of people, I'm sure some of these people are famous by now.