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Intelligence of the lounge

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    If you see science as just as a way of thinking or a method on how to carry out experiments, it can be seen as neutral.

    But if you see it has all of what scientific endeavor has produced, it has done many "evil" things as well as many "good" things.


      Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
      Science is cold, it has no ethics or compassion.

      Does that sound like something good or bad?

      People criticise religion for doing "evil" in this world, but science has done much worse

      Anyway, sorry to derail your thread so much. We are meant to be talking about intelligence.
      Religion is something ostensibly man-made, whereas science exists independently.


        Originally posted by rorymac View Post
        Religion is something ostensibly man-made, whereas science exists independently.
        I've asked others before, but got no satisfactory answer.

        the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment:

        Do you agree with that or do you have your own definition?


          I see intelligence in a range of different people, not just the ones that claim to intellectuals.

          People that open minded, will think of something that no one else will. Will actually think of an answer for you, instead have pre-ready one ready to dish out

          Will see things that I miss and make me see them too.

          Someone that can improvise, make the most of what hand they are dealt.

          I can learn a lot from the lounge, but not from those who peddle their regurgitated claptrap that they have read somewhere.


            Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
            M-Theory is Maths based, no empirical data supports it. Relativity was done on Einstein's view on how the universe should be. Lot's of thought experiments, not a lot of observable data. It was many years after it could be tested fully. Einstein did not follow the scientific method
            Yes, theoretical physics. Scientific theories start out as ideas and hypothesis. They think outside the box, improvise, and look at things in unusual fresh ways other people havent. All the things you love and respect.

            My original point was about understanding reality through the scientific method. Not theoretical physics. Actually testing theories to decipher if it works or not. Pinning down what is true.
            I was responding to a person who stated that he believed personal experience is more reliable than scientific knowledge. Which is utter ****.

            Scientific thinking is just thinking without emotion?
            I don't think that is a better way of thinking.
            And everyone has a bias, even scientist, they divulging camps where both sides stick rigidly to dogma of their theory.
            i didnt say science has no emotion or no bias. I clearly said it is LESS prone to emotional, personal bias. That is the point of the scientific method. To reduce error as much as possible.

            It is clearly a better way of understanding reality than making stuff up. You have theories about premonitions...how would you test those theories? How can we know if they are true or not? That is the scientific method.

            Politics funds hospitals, schools, and scientific breakthroughs.

            If you say science does good, you must also except it does bad, or it does neither.
            Like it has been said to you repeatedly. Its not the science, its the application.
            Science is knowledge. So it is ultimately good (if you agree knowledge is good). Science is us turning the light on in the dark. That is all. What we then do is an ethical matter.

            Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
            I've watching the SRR documentary and it reminded me of some other people that have had premonitions that I know, and I thought I write I thread about it to see other peoples views on the matter.

            You are not answering my question.
            Did you read about premonitions? The answer is yes!
            You said "An intelligent person can take a new problem and come up with fresh ways of dealing with it. They will give their opinion on things, not someone else's that they have read about."
            You read about premonitions. You didnt invent the idea. So stop suggesting that everyone who disagrees with you is not thinking for themselves. They are critiquing your beliefs.

            I see intelligence in a range of different people, not just the ones that claim to intellectuals.

            People that open minded, will think of something that no one else will. Will actually think of an answer for you, instead have pre-ready one ready to dish out

            Will see things that I miss and make me see them too.

            Someone that can improvise, make the most of what hand they are dealt.

            I can learn a lot from the lounge, but not from those who peddle their regurgitated claptrap that they have read somewhere.

