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I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet

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    A friend showed me some clip of a gang of bikers robbing a ***ellery store, on the 2nd floor of a shopping centre (mall). They even drove down the stairs.

    There was like 6 of them, masked, youngsters, and the cops barely even chased them because there had recently been a biker whom crashed and died in a chase.

    Crime on bikes, is a tactic the police need to improve there shit on.


      We need


        Originally posted by ßringer View Post

        Russian schooling everybody here (myself included) on NY biker gangs. I honestly had no idea groups like this even existed. The cops are total 'tards if they're letting them have the run of the streets because pursuit is "too dangerous" like Russian said, though.

        "Hey guys, there's a new biker gang of like 100 people who are on a random crime spree of reckless driving, assault, robbery, destruction of property, endangering the lives of others, and a whole slew of other crimes. They're loose in our City, what shall we do about it?"

        "Ignore it. It sounds dangerous. Hopefully they just go away."

        Does this make sense to anybody?
        NYPD has been involved in several deaths last year attempting to chase these guys down, so now the policy is not to chase.

        i work as a driver and I see groups like this every single day, mostly a dozen or so, just flying down streets sometimes 100 mph+, running lights on dirt bikes and ATVs, doing wheelies. Big groups will have guys in the front who stop at intersections blocking traffic so all the other bikers can run the light as a group. These are actual gangs, not cool rally Harley groups. Their whole purpose is to be in big groups and piss people off by doing whatever they want

        This whole thing also happened 3 mins from my house and a lot of people are pissed because these bikers are trying to look like victims, meanwhile they terrorize neighborhoods all the time


          Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post
          I want to challenge you to a duel, 9 steps and shoot.
          Bring it!

          Only one round in the chamber, you take 8 steps I take 9

          I'll still win


            Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post
   you understand BEFORE the camera was rolling?

            For *** sake people, are you sheep that watch a snippet of video and make a knee jerk reaction to it thinking you know everything that happened in it's entire context?

            Oh wait, I'm on BS....yea you do.

            I'm not defending the bikers, the first thing I said was that they were wrong for dragging the man out of his car and beating him but SOMETHING happened we don't know about.

            Why did they pick him to stop him out of all the cars? For kicks? Or because he hit one of them and broke his leg which is now confirmed. Then he ran over another man and left him paralyzed.

            All I'm saying is let the facts come out before we make judgments. This is why I'm opposed to people having guns.....99% of people are not very bright, objective or unbiased.

            It's shoot first, take names later.
            lol come on man. Look at what you just typed.

            You're not making any sense.


              Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post
     you understand BEFORE the camera was rolling?

              For *** sake people, are you sheep that watch a snippet of video and make a knee jerk reaction to it thinking you know everything that happened in it's entire context?

              Oh wait, I'm on BS....yea you do.

              I'm not defending the bikers, the first thing I said was that they were wrong for dragging the man out of his car and beating him but SOMETHING happened we don't know about.

              Why did they pick him to stop him out of all the cars? For kicks? Or because he hit one of them and broke his leg which is now confirmed. Then he ran over another man and left him paralyzed.

              All I'm saying is let the facts come out before we make judgments. This is why I'm opposed to people having guns.....99% of people are not very bright, objective or unbiased.

              It's shoot first, take names later.
              Okay, Cuah you are always annoying. I am a lurker, and quite often I find you irritating. You speak with potency at times, but you don't know **** most of those occasions which is quite funny.

              Even from watching the video, you can see the car is in front of the majority of the bikers. One guy clearly braked in front of him which is ****ing ******.

              However let me school you with a post on a website.
              A continuation and update to THIS post and THIS post.

              There is a lot of misinformation coming out about biker attack in New York last week, much of it from the media. (Click the links above if you know know which I mean.) In this post I want to address the claim that Alexian Lien knocked a rider over and that the most seriously injured biker, Jay Mieses, was only stopping to help a fellow rider.

              The original video is at the bottom of this post. After viewing each of the still frames below and reading my commentary, you will have a much better understand about what is happening in the video and how some are misrepresenting the incident. You can click the image to enlarge in a new window.

              At the start of the video, one thing you should note is that Lien's Range Rover is ahead of the motorcycles. Maybe not all of them, but ahead of the main group. This is important because many bikers are claiming Lien drove through their group from behind. They claim he was speeding and driving recklessly, which is why they wanted him to stop.

              Here at the beginning, we see several bikers approaching Mr. Lien's Range Rover. One biker identified as Christopher Cruz pushes into Lien's lane. Lien allows him to enter in front of him.

              Cruz accelerates widening the gap behind himself and Lien's SUV. Cruz looks back then applies his brakes. (You can see the brake light come on in the video, especially when in full screen.) The bike abruptly slows.

              Lien is, no doubt, checking all the bikes now crowding around his vehicle. He brakes quickly, but not fast enough. The SUV apparently makes light contact with the bikes rear wheel. The entire time, Cruz is looking back at the SUV.


                Just to add, the bikers have said he was driving recklessly and they stopped to help injured people. The guy who got hurt had NO LICENSE for a bike and was fined 16 times by police! Mieses is his name.

                Cruz apparently doesn't know the SUV touched him. It is possible no contact was ever made! Cruz continues riding for a moment. Lien slows to a stop. The other bikers begin slowing down and looking back, and so does Cruz.

                Now Cruz, reportedly injured with two broken legs, begins "walking" his bike back to the SUV. (That is, he remains straddling the bike while rolling backward using his feet to push.)

                As Cruz makes his way back to the SUV, other bikers stop and begin dismounting their bikes. Jay Mieses is one of those bikers.

                Cruz has reached the SUV. He gets off his bike and approaches the driver's side door. Mieses walks toward the SUV as well. His family is claiming he stopped to help and injured biker, but up until this point, no bikers have been injured and none are in need of help. Notice how many bikers are stopping around the SUV.


                  Note the time on this still frame, because when you watch the video, you can see Cruz take a swing at the door or the window of the SUV. (You may need to watch in full screen to see it.) Other bikers have surrounded the Range Rover. At least one tire has been slashed. Mieses is one of many in standing in front of the vehicle.

                  Feeling threatened and concerned about the safety of his family, Alexian Lien decides to flee the situation. Jay Mieses is run down and seriously wounded. He is not helping anyone, he is not offering aid to anyone, he is blocking Lien's SUV.

                  I hope these still frames make it a little easier to understand exactly what happened. There is a lot of misinformation out there, even by experienced journalists.


                  Many thanks to "AM" for emailing these stills from the video. This happens around 2:47 in the video. What you are seeing in the images below is the shredded remains of the SUV tire that was slashed during the initial confrontation.

                  The motorcycle rider recording the video seems to notice and gestures to the bikers behind him. (That's his gloved hand in the upper right of the second image.)

                  His tyres were reportedly slashed which the bikers say isn't true. Well Why the **** is part of his tyre on the road? A range Rover is a top of the line SUV, the tyres won't rip apart climbing a damn mountain at 80 MPH let alone on flat roads at 100 or whatever he did.

                  What is also funny is that one of the bikers was an off duty cop who didn't make a report until days later.

                  I am a biker and know full well how some can be idiots. Often doing wheelies, speeding, and blocking up the road on bike days. Many have no plates or very small ones as well as no licenses. They don't belong on the road.


                    Originally posted by Unseen View Post
                    Note the time on this still frame, because when you watch the video, you can see Cruz take a swing at the door or the window of the SUV. (You may need to watch in full screen to see it.) Other bikers have surrounded the Range Rover. At least one tire has been slashed. Mieses is one of many in standing in front of the vehicle.

                    Feeling threatened and concerned about the safety of his family, Alexian Lien decides to flee the situation. Jay Mieses is run down and seriously wounded. He is not helping anyone, he is not offering aid to anyone, he is blocking Lien's SUV.

                    I hope these still frames make it a little easier to understand exactly what happened. There is a lot of misinformation out there, even by experienced journalists.


                    Many thanks to "AM" for emailing these stills from the video. This happens around 2:47 in the video. What you are seeing in the images below is the shredded remains of the SUV tire that was slashed during the initial confrontation.

                    The motorcycle rider recording the video seems to notice and gestures to the bikers behind him. (That's his gloved hand in the upper right of the second image.)

                    His tyres were reportedly slashed which the bikers say isn't true. Well Why the **** is part of his tyre on the road? A range Rover is a top of the line SUV, the tyres won't rip apart climbing a damn mountain at 80 MPH let alone on flat roads at 100 or whatever he did.

                    What is also funny is that one of the bikers was an off duty cop who didn't make a report until days later.

                    I am a biker and know full well how some can be idiots. Often doing wheelies, speeding, and blocking up the road on bike days. Many have no plates or very small ones as well as no licenses. They don't belong on the road.
                    Report is that there were 5 off duty officers in the group. Why they didnt help or come forward until 4 days later is a mystery


                      Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
                      NYPD has been involved in several deaths last year attempting to chase these guys down, so now the policy is not to chase.

                      i work as a driver and I see groups like this every single day, mostly a dozen or so, just flying down streets sometimes 100 mph+, running lights on dirt bikes and ATVs, doing wheelies. Big groups will have guys in the front who stop at intersections blocking traffic so all the other bikers can run the light as a group. These are actual gangs, not cool rally Harley groups. Their whole purpose is to be in big groups and piss people off by doing whatever they want

                      This whole thing also happened 3 mins from my house and a lot of people are pissed because these bikers are trying to look like victims, meanwhile they terrorize neighborhoods all the time
                      That. Is. Insane.

                      You really do learn something new every day. Thanks for the proper schooling.

