Yeah, that's a "push", Reed.
I mean I get conspiracy theories on some level. I can understand why certain skeptics would take issue with something like JFK's assassination, or the death of Marilyn Monroe. But most of these ****s take it way too far into there being no moon landing, 9/11 being a controlled demolition, the massacre in Aurora being a covert Government mind control operation via HAARP, or Bin Laden actually being alive and kicking it in Barbados with MJ.
I mean I get conspiracy theories on some level. I can understand why certain skeptics would take issue with something like JFK's assassination, or the death of Marilyn Monroe. But most of these ****s take it way too far into there being no moon landing, 9/11 being a controlled demolition, the massacre in Aurora being a covert Government mind control operation via HAARP, or Bin Laden actually being alive and kicking it in Barbados with MJ.