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Prometheus movie discussion (Spoilers Imminent)

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    Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post
    I think your being over critical to be honest. I never expected it to be great, I'm a fan of Ridley Scott but do think he's a bit overrated. He's like the English version of Steven Spielberg in that his movies are amazing to look at but leave a little less in the story dept. Don't get me wrong he's had some winners like the Alien series and Blade Runner but he's also had some bad ones too.

    I do think there will be some answers in the next one but it was a fun movie, the production was top notch and the sounds in the movie were great. I wonder if they will have the balls to follow the chick to the engineers home planet, I doubt it.
    The script is the least expensive but still the hardest element to get right. They messed up. I had high expectations, but I think I deserve to.


      Originally posted by The Tornado View Post
      They tried to do way tooo much in just a 2 hour movie.

      Peter Weyland's character was just so unecessary at the end of the movie. And the part where Charlize Theron reveals it was her father was really cliche.

      Why did David poison the one doctor?

      Why did the engineers go back to Earth and reveal themselves to the ancient people?

      Why did that one guy come back to the ship as a super strong zombie?

      And why did all of those engineers get killed on the alien ship?
      I think he was using him to see what the liquid would do.


        From a previous Prometheus thread:

        I actually forgot that the aliens represented in Prometheus, were the same ones in the rest of the series -- They look and move totally different.

        Also, the technology on the ship surpassed by centuries what was displayed on the Nostromo ship in the first Alien movie ... how can a prequel's technology surpass the original??

        Another oddity, if the engineers carved out the pyramid to develop bio-weapons and house their ships .... why would they build monuments to themselves?

        Also, the android seemed much more advanced than the bishop in the rest of the series ... but how can that be, if David precedes Bishop.

        Another oddity, David infected the Doctor .... aren't they supposed to value human life above all else. David had and exercised his own agenda throughout the movie and also, demonstrated emotional traits.

        The ending was abrupt, and strange ... why not autopilot the ship and let all the crew bail? It seems that the suicide effort by the remaining crew was to ensure there would be only the two survivors .... of which Vicker's was too ****** to run laterally, she instead continued to run underneath a narrow crashing spaceship .... strange survival skills to say the least.

        And the ending did setup a Prometheus II ..... tooooo many unanswered questions.

        Where did the engineers come from and why did they want to destroy humanity????

        Where did the aliens in the canisters come from and why were they different from the original alien????


          Also, from a previous thread:

          To a degree, yes, some questions should remain unanswered if a sequel is on the horizon. But there are too many unanswered questions, and based on what questions were answered in Prometheus, no way will a sequel fill the void.

          Original Alien unanswered questions:

          Where did the ship come from?
          Where was the ship headed? {Answered in Prometheus ... Earth}
          Who were the space jockey's and where did they originate?
          Why did the ship have a storage bay full of egg-like objects?
          Where did the Alien originate?

          Prometheus originated questions:

          Where did the space jockey's originate?
          Why did they initiate life on Earth?
          Why do they now, want to release a alien based bio-weapon on earth?
          If the alien bio-weapon wasn't created, where did it originate?
          Why did David intentionally infect Dr. Holloway?
          Why are there canisters containing alien goo in Prometheus, but eggs in Alien?
          How many ships were on that planet and were they all storing alien bio-weapons and had a destination of Earth?
          If the pyramid explored, contained one ship and the crew were exposed to the alien bio-weapon and killed -- What about the other ships?
          What happened to the crews on the other ships on that planet?

          I can relate, if the writers wanted to deviate from the norm, but to deviate totally and introduce new elements undermines the concept of a prequel. And this would have to be considered a prequel, because it kept intact some very key elements. {space jockey & their ship}

          Look at "The Thing 1982" and "The Thing Prequel 2011", elements native to the original were maintained and one could see the relationship between the two movies. We still did not find out where the "Thing" originated, but it resolved the questions relating to the Swedish {Who encountered the Thing first} completely.

          Like I stated, it was a very good movie as a stand-alone, but if its intention was to fill-in the gaps left open in the original Alien movie -- then it deviated too much to accomplish its goal.


            Originally posted by Even Money View Post
            I think he was using him to see what the liquid would do.
            I also, think he didn't like Dr. Holloway .....

            David was offended by Holloway calling him boy ...
            When they were suiting up, Holloway insulted David again ...
            And Holloway insulted David yet again, in the pool room .... right before David did the finger dip in the drink.

            David demonstrated emotional responses during each insult and I think he finally decided to infect Holloway after the final insult in the pool room.


              Originally posted by arraamis View Post
              I also, think he didn't like Dr. Holloway .....

              David was offended by Holloway calling him boy ...
              When they were suiting up, Holloway insulted David again ...
              And Holloway insulted David yet again, in the pool room .... right before David did the finger dip in the drink.

              David demonstrated emotional responses during each insult and I think he finally decided to infect Holloway after the final insult in the pool room.
              Interesting point. I forgot about their dialog.

              but I dont think David's intentions were completely evil.

              Before he tipped the finger in the drink he asked him "What are you willing to do to find your answers?" ( i forgot the exact question)

              and it was only after he said "anything and everything" that he tipped the drink. He was waiting for his response before he did it.


                Originally posted by arraamis View Post
                Also, the technology on the ship surpassed by centuries what was displayed on the Nostromo ship in the first Alien movie ... how can a prequel's technology surpass the original??
                This one I can answer. The Nostromo is a commercial towing ship. It's use is towing cargo and junk around space. The Prometheus is a state-of-the-art no-expense-spared space yacht funded by a billionaire who sees it as his last chance at immortality.


                  Check these out:


                    Just watched the movie, gave it a 8/10. I really liked it. 2014 is the date the date for the next one! The real prequel for Alien.

                    And does watching this movie make you wish we clould all be alive when we finally have the technology to really explore space? I think more money should be spent on space exploration and advenced technology research.


                      Originally posted by Mike Tyson77 View Post
                      Just watched the movie, gave it a 8/10. I really liked it. 2014 is the date the date for the next one! The real prequel for Alien.

                      And does watching this movie make you wish we clould all be alive when we finally have the technology to really explore space? I think more money should be spent on space exploration and advenced technology research.
                      I liked it too because while I'm a very critical movie goer, I also put things into perspective. For example, I see movies like IRobot initially to be typical hollywood nonsense with just explosions, pretty girls and no story but it was actually a good movie because it was entertaining, and the story was good.

                      Some blockbusters can surprise you and I take them for what they are. When I eat a burger, I don't expect it to be a filet mignon, I expect it to be a burger and sometimes a burger is pretty ***in good.

