Haven't eaten anything weirder than Calamari...well some people think that pig feet are weird.
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What are some of the strangest foods you've eaten?
As promised, I did indeed have dog meat soup during my recent visit to Seoul. Most of the pieces were quite fatty or tendony, and these didn't have a lot of flavor. The actual meat chunks on the other hand I found to be of a quite delicate texture. Here are some photos I took.
This one is not exactly strange, but the fish was taken straight out of a fish tank at the front of the shop when I ordered it, and was delicious. The meal you see was about $18 including the beer, which is somewhat on the high end for food in Busan, where I took this.
Also in Busan, silkworms. I have to admit, I only made it about 1/8 of the way through the cup.
I also took this video in Busan of a women skinning live eels. Give it a watch.
And here is some eel, also with a bowl of a soup made from the left over heads and bones of fileted fish. It was quite delicious. The soup had a very fishy and quite salty flavor.