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Why don't they ban guns in the usa?

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    Because America thinks that carrying a gun is a good way protect yourself.

    And they're not wrong, really.

    And does anyone have any better ideas? Ones that will actually work.

    It's the old blast them before they blast you approach and you can't deny it can work.


      Originally posted by msagrain View Post
      So you feel the need to protection with a firearm? You live in your house in fear if you don't have agun. Some country.
      This is the truth about Guns in America as simply as I can put it. America for the most part is a great, safe country in which to live. Yes there are parts of the U.S that are more dangerous than others but it's no different than most countries in the world.

      When guns were made part of the rights of Americans, it needed to be done for protection mostly against invading forces, specifically the British. Now, hundred of years later, those same principles don't really apply but Americans have endeared themsleves to guns and feel they are a fundamental right of American society.

      For me, I think it's too late. There are so many guns in the U.S that it would be impossible to just do away with guns. Millions of people own them and I even see people walk around with them like in old Wild West.

      Guns are a necessity now because criminals can get them, so it would be foolish for you not to have the right in order to defend yourself.

      In a perfect world, I would chose to live without guns but here in the U.S is much too late for that.

      In the worlds of Ice Cube; "I would much rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6".

      I will keep my gun.


        1 - Guns are for protection, people are afraid of getting shot.

        2 - For hunting, it's popular in some places in the US.

        3 - They want us to kill each other off. It's apart of government's goal. The US does not care about their citizens.


          No way in hell ,even in countries where guns are illegal there are still guns and most of them are in the hands of criminals,in america we have very good gun owners and laws if you are against that do not live in america. It is my constitutional right to bear arms and i would be disgusted with my country if that changed.


            Originally posted by MARKBNLV View Post
            No way in hell ,even in countries where guns are illegal there are still guns and most of them are in the hands of criminals,in america we have very good gun owners and laws if you are against that do not live in america. It is my constitutional right to bear arms and i would be disgusted with my country if that changed.
            excellent point.

            it's a slice of americanna you can say.


              Originally posted by msagrain View Post
              So you feel the need to protection with a firearm? You live in your house in fear if you don't have agun. Some country.
              Then stay the fuck out, and don't worry about what we do, or don't do.


                Originally posted by msagrain View Post
                Why not and has it also been considered?
                It is a part of our culture.

                Guns were legal back then because your country was invading us. Plus there were civil wars, and all kinds of rebellions on American soil, so they were needed back then.

                It's too late to do anything about it now.


                  we just that gangster


                    Originally posted by msagrain View Post
                    Why not and has it also been considered?

                    It is against the U.S. constitution......
                    The people have the right to bear arms..........

                    SEE it.darnit!!


                      Mark said what I was just about to say. When people ask the question that the TS did, the #1 response from people is usually that criminals are going to get guns no matter what so all you are really doing is stoping normal people from being able to own one. The criminals would probably love if the sale of guns stopped because they will still get them regardless and now they know that your innocent ass doesnt have one and is just ready to be victimized.

                      However, Im personally all for living in a safer place with no guns around. Im just not sure if that is possible. **** is so bad though that I would honestly be willing to give it a try. Its not like **** is working the way it is. All guns do is make people braver and usually causes more **** to go wrong but there are alot of bad people in this world so I understand someone having the right to defend themselves. Its just a ****ed up catch 22

