People should only take offense to things that are true about them......If it walks like a ******,talks like a ****** and betrays your trust like a ******'s probably a ******.To me a ****** is a type of person not the color of a person....but thats just my own personal thing.....but that's how it should be.
People should only take offense to things that are true about them......If it walks like a ******,talks like a ****** and betrays your trust like a ******'s probably a ******.To me a ****** is a type of person not the color of a person....but thats just my own personal thing.....but that's how it should be.
good point , if my bro was around , he would 'malcolm x' this place lol
callin someone one a white boy is like callin someone a black boy
***** is a hole diffrent word
bull caca. n.gger is just 'black', but traditionally used condescendingly. "Whiteboy' is a very condescending word, if you called me that I'd rip your throat out and **** you with it.
And you know it's wrong because blacks do not say that to our faces very often, just as we don't say the other
If the worst problem you have in life is someone calling you a name based on your race then you should count yourself lucky. People get too wound up over this issue.
No it's not more degrading, but the story goes that they have a lot more pain (that "we" caused), so we should be more sensitive.
And also because whites over here are softies who get scared if blacks tell us not to say the n-word, but don't have the balls to get in their faces if they say 'whiteboy'
But the words are equally degrading.
That's not true. Simply stating somebody's color isn't that bad.