Not everyone has the patience and money for that, considering some graphics cards alone costs more than the consoles, or about as much. $350+(R9 290x), $520-$650+(GTX 980). The Intel CPU recommended to run these cards are at $220-350. The power supply needed would run you another $150-300. Motherboards could be anywhere from $80-$400. Easily $1,500+ with all other components like liquid cooling(optional), SSD cards(optional but recommended for high end pc's), gaming keyboard/mouse, soundcard, dvd/BRay player for those who have Blu Ray collections they want to play, hard drive 1-3 TB.
You choose, that^ or just buy a PS4 and call it a day?
But what holds other people back? The exclusives? A lot of games that come out for consoles come out for Windows as well, especially everyone's favorite top selling titles like CoD Advanced Warfare, GTA 5, Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed Unity, Dragon Age Inquisition, Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Dark Souls II, The Elder Scrolls, MGS V Ground Zeroes, FIFA 15, NBA 2K15, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Evil Within. The list goes on.
Is it the people? You want to play with your friends but they are not PC gamers and you can't convince them to be?
You choose, that^ or just buy a PS4 and call it a day?
But what holds other people back? The exclusives? A lot of games that come out for consoles come out for Windows as well, especially everyone's favorite top selling titles like CoD Advanced Warfare, GTA 5, Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed Unity, Dragon Age Inquisition, Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Dark Souls II, The Elder Scrolls, MGS V Ground Zeroes, FIFA 15, NBA 2K15, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Evil Within. The list goes on.
Is it the people? You want to play with your friends but they are not PC gamers and you can't convince them to be?