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Big Boi Beezy
Unified Champion - 10,00-20,000 posts  16333
Joined: 04-21-2014
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  • It was the blood pressure medicine lmao...
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  • That's exactly who I was thinking about. Feech definitely had to go. He "could sell it" he would have easily got everyone to turn against Tony, Richie wasn't respected enough...
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  • My question is regarding Richie, did Tony handle him the right way? Outside of paralyzing that guy he didn't really do much that was bad. When that teacher owes him money I feel like Tony was wrong, I felt like Richie wouldn't have been so bad if Tony treated him same respect he showed that old guy...
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  • Yeah plus he wasn't a threat to the boss, Richie eventually was gonna try to kill Tony imo

    If Ralph wasn't on coke he probably wouldn't have been that bad.

    But back to Richie, he wouldn't have been that bad If Tony showed him a little more respect...
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  • Who was worst from Sopranos? Ralph'y or Richie

    If you was the boss, who would you rather keep as Capo?
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  • Lol why you ask that...
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