For a history tracking the feud and anticipation of the long awaited bout between Chollo Vista/GGG Gloveking, you can follow it here:
The fight footage is ready to be seen on the OnlyFans page for a whopping $6 at . The clip is a little over 14 minutes spanning 3 rounds (3 minutes each).
I want to take my hat off to Gloveking for showing up and I must say I give him the utmost respect for being game throughout the fight.
Secondly, much RESPECT to travestyny, PrettyBoy32, lfc19titles, True-Boxing-Fan, etc for showing support since day 1
Travestyny is my e-brother from another mother. Str8 up
Without further adou:
Part 1 of the footage:
Part 2 of the footage:
Part 3 of the footage:
Again, here's the link to my OnlyFans page to view the fight - ... That's right, just $6. You guys are more than welcome to leave tips if you like. Gloveking and I will split the profits as it will go towards our travel/training expenses
Enjoy fellas
[Click Here To Read More]
The fight footage is ready to be seen on the OnlyFans page for a whopping $6 at . The clip is a little over 14 minutes spanning 3 rounds (3 minutes each).
I want to take my hat off to Gloveking for showing up and I must say I give him the utmost respect for being game throughout the fight.
Secondly, much RESPECT to travestyny, PrettyBoy32, lfc19titles, True-Boxing-Fan, etc for showing support since day 1
Travestyny is my e-brother from another mother. Str8 up
Without further adou:
Part 1 of the footage:
Part 2 of the footage:
Part 3 of the footage:
Again, here's the link to my OnlyFans page to view the fight - ... That's right, just $6. You guys are more than welcome to leave tips if you like. Gloveking and I will split the profits as it will go towards our travel/training expenses
Enjoy fellas
[Click Here To Read More]