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Total Newbie on heavy bag size/type, and glove size - any help appreciated

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    Total Newbie on heavy bag size/type, and glove size - any help appreciated

    So I want to get a heavy bag at my local Big5 sports. They have 80lb heavy bags for $64.99 and 12 or 16 oz gloves for $24.99. Also they have a Wavemaster Super X Free-Standing Heavy Bag that you apparently fill the base with water or sand for $120 (comes with gloves, jump rope, and DVD).
    However as William Hung once said, "I have no professional training". In fact I have no training at all, I don't really even know how to throw a proper jab, cross, hook, or uppercut. I just want a bag to take out frustration, burn calories, and lean some basic strikes, and just have some fun.

    #1 - Is this worth it at all or am I just going to get bored b/c I don't know what to do. I read of lot of the other heavy bag threads but didn't really answer my question as most people here have training in some boxing or martial art form.

    #2 - So what size bag would I need? I'm obviously a total newbie at this. I'm 6'1" about 185 pounds and do lift weights and run quite a bit, so I'm in OK shape. 70, 80, 100lbs? I can get a used 70 pounder for $30 right now, would this be a waste as a first bag, should I just right to 100lb?

    #3 - So I would use hand wraps, and then at that point do you use "bag gloves", do you use 12oz boxing gloves? 16oz boxing gloves? I'm really not looking to get into competition so probably whatever gives me the best workout. It just seems those bag gloves don't have much padding but 16oz boxing gloves would be bulky, no?

    Sorry for the first long post, any help is appreciated

    whast your weight, your build. and r u tryin to do something with boxing


      Originally posted by mystyal2k5
      whast your weight, your build. and r u tryin to do something with boxing
      I'm 6'1" about 185 pounds. I'm in decent shape now as I hit the gym 2-3 times a week and also do cardio another 2-3 times a week. I don't plan on doing anything with boxing other than use it to get in shape and maybe be more confident with my striking ability just in case I need it for self-defense b/c I'm already 28 years old.


        The WAV bags are nice. No sand, unless you want to break your hands. Or get a leather heavy bag. Doesn't have to be too heavy, if it has a really stiff feel. Again, you must protect your hands. I prefer leather bag gloves with velcro closures, and I wear seamless leather work gloves rather than wrappings, but to each their own. The heavier (16 oz) gloves will give you a better workout but, since I don't box anymore, I don't even wear the bag gloves; just the work gloves. It's always better to go with the best quality you can afford, as beating on a heavy bag is a lot of wear-and-tear on the equipment.


          Originally posted by TheNinja
          I'm 6'1" about 185 pounds. I'm in decent shape now as I hit the gym 2-3 times a week and also do cardio another 2-3 times a week. I don't plan on doing anything with boxing other than use it to get in shape and maybe be more confident with my striking ability just in case I need it for self-defense b/c I'm already 28 years old.

          jus get a 100 pound bag and since your not going to do ne thing with boxing i suggest getting 12oz gloves. because u dont need the endurance with bigger gloves so i think it would be better.


            I would say get the 100# bag too, and dont foget about the hand wraps.

            And since ur just gonna hit it for stress, exercise, and fun go with the 12oz gloves.

            As for punching, just throw straight punches at first. dont throw wild hooks or anything. Its kinda hard to tell someone over the internet how to throw a proper hook, so just watch some fights and look for technique.

            good luck.


              Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I have been checking out a lot of online videos and articles. I have been trying out shadow boxing as well to just get the stance, etc. We'll see how it goes, worst case scenario I get in better shape and find out how hard of sport boxing really is.

              BTW - ARe KO sparring gloves any good? It appears the ringside super bag gloves are recommended. Also, are Top Contendor Super Bag Gloves any good? I don't want to spend a fortune, but I'd rather spend more and get decent gloves.
              Last edited by TheNinja; 03-02-2006, 04:12 AM.


                TheNinja, Im old school and you dont need all that fancy stuff to learn the sport and be properly outfitted. Im 34 and been boxing recreationally or competitavely since I was 13.

                What you need is a heavy bag (100lbs is good) and 16 ounce gloves. Forget all those other products like bag gloves and gel gloves and all that crap. In my gym, if you are a male and are caught with anything less than 16oz gloves, its bad news for you.

                Reason for 16 oz gloves is they protect you better and weigh more so you get a better work out. Plus those are the size gloves you should be sparring with any way so you get better protected.

                Make sure you properly wrap your hands and try and get 180" wraps, that will give you plenty of material to wrap them to your preference. Where the wraps under the gloves and if you dont know how to wrap hands then a video or Im sure on the net you could find it for free.

                When you start, the most important thing is to learn technique. Forget hitting it hard at first and looking good, learn technique. Footwork and turning your hips into punches is the key. Good luck and hope you have fun.


                  Originally posted by cuauhtemoc1496 View Post
                  What you need is a heavy bag (100lbs is good) and 16 ounce gloves. Forget all those other products like bag gloves and gel gloves and all that crap. In my gym, if you are a male and are caught with anything less than 16oz gloves, its bad news for you.
                  So whats the bad news??


                    Originally posted by cuauhtemoc1496 View Post
                    TheNinja, Im old school and you dont need all that fancy stuff to learn the sport and be properly outfitted. Im 34 and been boxing recreationally or competitavely since I was 13.

                    What you need is a heavy bag (100lbs is good) and 16 ounce gloves. Forget all those other products like bag gloves and gel gloves and all that crap. In my gym, if you are a male and are caught with anything less than 16oz gloves, its bad news for you.

                    Reason for 16 oz gloves is they protect you better and weigh more so you get a better work out. Plus those are the size gloves you should be sparring with any way so you get better protected.

                    Make sure you properly wrap your hands and try and get 180" wraps, that will give you plenty of material to wrap them to your preference. Where the wraps under the gloves and if you dont know how to wrap hands then a video or Im sure on the net you could find it for free.

                    When you start, the most important thing is to learn technique. Forget hitting it hard at first and looking good, learn technique. Footwork and turning your hips into punches is the key. Good luck and hope you have fun.
                    that was informative , nice post guy. and could i just get the 14 oz gloves, or do u reccomend the 16 oz.
                    Last edited by IronNick; 03-27-2007, 10:10 PM.

