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fighting tall question

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    fighting tall question

    A question that has been around for ages but never seems to get a "right" anwser because some things work for some people and for other it wont work at all due to height,speed,experience,athleticism,etc etc but I really want to see peoples input on the fighting tall topic. btw Im tall for more weight class that's why I want to put this topic out.

    There's generally 2 approaches to this
    1-keep your height ie dont give it up
    2-get eye level,lower your center of gravity
    Heres a vid of kenny weldon teaching to get eye level which a lot of people disagree with

    how would you compare the 2? your opinion?

    ---And my real concern is today I heard from a trainer that comes around once in a while (retired from training fighters,older guy) that I never heard before is that you can keep your height but match where the hands are. And that kind of opened my eyes to where I never heard of that and for sure would like to see more input.

    For ex he showed me a video of this concept of fighting
    -Notice vitali in this highlight, he's not doing some crazy leaning low legs way out stuff, he's in his comfortable strong stance, another thing you'll notice in all his fights including this one, his hands are at the same height his opponent's hands are at, specially his back hand.

    What are your thoughts on this? the pros and cons to instead of worrying about height elevation but the concern is matching your opponents glove height?

    I'm a tall fighter for my weightclass, so I'll give you my 2 cents.

    I fight tall when I'm taller than my opponent. To me fighting tall means, not that I'm standing taller than my opponent, but that I'm keeping them at a further range and boxing them. I'm going to use my jab a lot, and set up my right. I'm going to do my best to make sure they don't get inside and if they get inside, I don't want them staying there. I'm either going to try and move out to the left or right, spin my opponent, or if they're really getting the better of me, wrap them up.

    I don't worry about matching their hands, or ducking down to my opponent. I just go in there, do my thing, if I need to adjust I try to adjust.

