Recently there has been a influx of questions regarding armature boxing training so I’m going to answer some of the most frequently asked questions.
I want to start training but I don’t know how.
First thing is first you need to know what you want to achieve from the sport of boxing and what your close term goals and long term goals are.
Boxing to compete: When choosing your boxing club the main attribute of the club should:
• Have a good reputation in the area.
• Have an abundance of experience boxers who will help you learn and push you along the way.
• Stage armature boxing shows.
• Work on technique with you.
If you are not happy with your club check out an other local club and see how it differs and if you think it is better and it will be more beneficial to you then join that club.
Boxing for fitness or to lose weight : Boxing for fitness is different to boxing to compete some clubs do allow you to train with them but I would advise you make this clear to them as they might want you to spar and this is not what you wish to do. Boxercise classes allow you to do this and they have a high intensity but often do not spar and work on technique. Too add boxing alone will not make you lose weight it needs to be done with a correct diet.
I don’t have the confidence to go training or I am not fit enough to keep up.
When starting new to you might feel some anxiety but do not worry when going to the club for the first time it will be a new experience to you. The coaches and boxers will be friendly. Even if you are a novice boxer everyone starts out somewhere the club will be full of inexperienced to the experienced.
The topic of not fit enough to keep up, just go at the rate that you feel combatable with while still pushing yourself till you gradually build up you fitness and strength. If you want to get your fitness up before join then you can go running 1-2 miles depending on fitness and also do a basic pressure circuit. This is an example:
1. Wide press ups x10
2. Forward crunches x10
3. Tuck jumps x10
4. Pike jumps x10
5. Elbow to knee sit ups x10 each side
6. Burpees x 10
7. Diamond press ups x10
8. Squats x 10
9. V- sits x 10
10. Clap press ups x 10
This is just an example I have made you may want to differ yours or find an alternative. If you are unsure how to do these exercises then tutorials will be on YouTube.
What do I need to purchases to be able to go the boxing gym?
Just shorts and a t-shirt with trainers will do but it would advise you to not wear trainers with big heals like Nike shox’s as these can affect your footwork. After the first few sessions you will be required to purchases hand wraps and a gum shield as most good reputable gyms will not let you spar without them
If you want to purchases gloves you can if you are buying gloves for sparing you should ask you coach what oz you should get and most gyms spar with 14 or 16 oz gloves.
How long till I can spar?
After a moth of training you might be able do some body sparing or light sparring. Different clubs use different techniques when sparring people for the first time.
What you need to remember when sparing for the first time:
• Relax! This is the most important part to remember. The objective is not to go it there all guns blazing. You will practice your technique that you have learned.
• Keep you guard up – Try not to drop your hand even if you are getting tires.
• Keep your head up – it is a common reaction to look away, move your head down and break eye contract and also blink. This will make you no to be able to see your opponents punches and will
• Enjoy it!
How long till I can box?
This all depend on your coach and how good your fitness and technique is. Fitness is crucial as you may be the best armature boxer in the world but your coach will not put you in a bout if you are not fully fit.
You will need to obtain a medical card before you can have your first bout your coach should arrange this for you.
What are the fundamentals of boxing?
I am not going to go into great detail in this as when you go the gym you should be shown. I will post a link to a demonstration to the basics of boxing.
If there is any more questions you wish to add I will add them to the post.
I want to start training but I don’t know how.
First thing is first you need to know what you want to achieve from the sport of boxing and what your close term goals and long term goals are.
Boxing to compete: When choosing your boxing club the main attribute of the club should:
• Have a good reputation in the area.
• Have an abundance of experience boxers who will help you learn and push you along the way.
• Stage armature boxing shows.
• Work on technique with you.
If you are not happy with your club check out an other local club and see how it differs and if you think it is better and it will be more beneficial to you then join that club.
Boxing for fitness or to lose weight : Boxing for fitness is different to boxing to compete some clubs do allow you to train with them but I would advise you make this clear to them as they might want you to spar and this is not what you wish to do. Boxercise classes allow you to do this and they have a high intensity but often do not spar and work on technique. Too add boxing alone will not make you lose weight it needs to be done with a correct diet.
I don’t have the confidence to go training or I am not fit enough to keep up.
When starting new to you might feel some anxiety but do not worry when going to the club for the first time it will be a new experience to you. The coaches and boxers will be friendly. Even if you are a novice boxer everyone starts out somewhere the club will be full of inexperienced to the experienced.
The topic of not fit enough to keep up, just go at the rate that you feel combatable with while still pushing yourself till you gradually build up you fitness and strength. If you want to get your fitness up before join then you can go running 1-2 miles depending on fitness and also do a basic pressure circuit. This is an example:
1. Wide press ups x10
2. Forward crunches x10
3. Tuck jumps x10
4. Pike jumps x10
5. Elbow to knee sit ups x10 each side
6. Burpees x 10
7. Diamond press ups x10
8. Squats x 10
9. V- sits x 10
10. Clap press ups x 10
This is just an example I have made you may want to differ yours or find an alternative. If you are unsure how to do these exercises then tutorials will be on YouTube.
What do I need to purchases to be able to go the boxing gym?
Just shorts and a t-shirt with trainers will do but it would advise you to not wear trainers with big heals like Nike shox’s as these can affect your footwork. After the first few sessions you will be required to purchases hand wraps and a gum shield as most good reputable gyms will not let you spar without them
If you want to purchases gloves you can if you are buying gloves for sparing you should ask you coach what oz you should get and most gyms spar with 14 or 16 oz gloves.
How long till I can spar?
After a moth of training you might be able do some body sparing or light sparring. Different clubs use different techniques when sparring people for the first time.
What you need to remember when sparing for the first time:
• Relax! This is the most important part to remember. The objective is not to go it there all guns blazing. You will practice your technique that you have learned.
• Keep you guard up – Try not to drop your hand even if you are getting tires.
• Keep your head up – it is a common reaction to look away, move your head down and break eye contract and also blink. This will make you no to be able to see your opponents punches and will
• Enjoy it!
How long till I can box?
This all depend on your coach and how good your fitness and technique is. Fitness is crucial as you may be the best armature boxer in the world but your coach will not put you in a bout if you are not fully fit.
You will need to obtain a medical card before you can have your first bout your coach should arrange this for you.
What are the fundamentals of boxing?
I am not going to go into great detail in this as when you go the gym you should be shown. I will post a link to a demonstration to the basics of boxing.
If there is any more questions you wish to add I will add them to the post.