Google "Dynamic Stretching vs Static Stretching" for a more in depth explanation.
Prior to your workout try doing some lunges, medicine ball twists, duckwalks and a bit of shadowboxing. If you have time to do a round or two of jump rope do that too. This should help get you warmed up, along with prepping your muscles for your boxing workout.
Do your static stretches after your workout. Try some of the stretches shown in rskumm21's post.
Move around a little to loosen up your muscles. Walk or jog in place, lightly bounce on your toes for 5 minutes first, then do your stretches. It is Equally important to stretch before and after your workout.
Agree, light warm up. Bonce around for about 5 minutes and do dynamic stretching. Then do your warm, workout, cool down and static stretching. Great stretching diagram, good for static stretching.