I always get the feeling power is a bit underrated.
In sparring I feel like i have most trouble with guys who hit hard. When someone hits me hard (even if it's on my guard) I tend to be more careful and go more on the defense. I'm this nearly everyone has this tendency.
I've personally been told by my trainers and sparring partners that I can hit hard, but my trainers tell me to focus on speed instead. So that's what I try to do.
However, when I'm in there sparring, focusing on speed and they are just in a double guard, I can't really get any decent shots in. Sure I can hit them once in a while with a quick punch, but because there isn't much power behind it, they just ignore it and continue to make me back up.
I've tried to use my power a couple of times before and it really helps imo. My opponents suddenly back up themselves and allow me to control the fight. I honestly can't achieve this by focusing on speed.
Note that I do try to find a balance between speed and power, when I say "using power" it's not slow as ****.
I haven't had an amatuer fight yet but I figured a good tactic would be to let your opponent feel your power at the start, and then maybe start focusing on speed more. Every time you want control back over the fight, you use your power. Am I right?
So in short: Most people tell me speed is more important than power. But while sparring I think it's the other way around. As power gives you that control. I'm not talking about going for the KO btw, I'm just talking about letting your opponent feel that power so he'll respect you and don't come in overly agressive.
So to all the experienced amateur boxers: how important is power in the AMs?
PS: I know technique, relaxation etc... is the most important thing so no need to tell me that. I'm just talking about power and speed here.
In sparring I feel like i have most trouble with guys who hit hard. When someone hits me hard (even if it's on my guard) I tend to be more careful and go more on the defense. I'm this nearly everyone has this tendency.
I've personally been told by my trainers and sparring partners that I can hit hard, but my trainers tell me to focus on speed instead. So that's what I try to do.
However, when I'm in there sparring, focusing on speed and they are just in a double guard, I can't really get any decent shots in. Sure I can hit them once in a while with a quick punch, but because there isn't much power behind it, they just ignore it and continue to make me back up.
I've tried to use my power a couple of times before and it really helps imo. My opponents suddenly back up themselves and allow me to control the fight. I honestly can't achieve this by focusing on speed.
Note that I do try to find a balance between speed and power, when I say "using power" it's not slow as ****.
I haven't had an amatuer fight yet but I figured a good tactic would be to let your opponent feel your power at the start, and then maybe start focusing on speed more. Every time you want control back over the fight, you use your power. Am I right?
So in short: Most people tell me speed is more important than power. But while sparring I think it's the other way around. As power gives you that control. I'm not talking about going for the KO btw, I'm just talking about letting your opponent feel that power so he'll respect you and don't come in overly agressive.
So to all the experienced amateur boxers: how important is power in the AMs?
PS: I know technique, relaxation etc... is the most important thing so no need to tell me that. I'm just talking about power and speed here.