Virtually all fighters utilize a variety of training techniques. However, many famous fighters have had one particular technique associated with them, usually for good reason.
Ray Robinson jumped rope.
Foreman hit a heavybag.
Tyson used a "slip" bag and did endless calisthenics.
FItzsimmons used a heavy ball on a string.
Fedor liked to lift heavy dumbells from the ground over his head.
Jimmy wilde worked in a mine.
Joe Calzaghe hit the double end bag like few before him.
Harry Greb sparred.
Almost everybody ran.
Any more?
Ray Robinson jumped rope.
Foreman hit a heavybag.
Tyson used a "slip" bag and did endless calisthenics.
FItzsimmons used a heavy ball on a string.
Fedor liked to lift heavy dumbells from the ground over his head.
Jimmy wilde worked in a mine.
Joe Calzaghe hit the double end bag like few before him.
Harry Greb sparred.
Almost everybody ran.
Any more?