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what would u do if someone trying to fight u for real during a sparr? lol

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    what would u do if someone trying to fight u for real during a sparr? lol

    Ever experience this kinda of **** before? because it really pissed me off, i expected it to be light sparr since he is new, then all a sudden he came at me fullspeed and fullforce i took a lot of his shots got me bleeding in my mouth we did not even put headgear on and mouthpiece because it was suppose to be light sparr with trainors instructing us what to do.

    So if this was you would u say nothing turn it up on him also and make the sparr into a real fight? or would say to him to slow down and calm down?

    Because me i turned it on, on this ****er and he then quitted. lol
    Many also hate him including the trainors because he brags a lots that he knockedout many people before and he wants to sparr the bigger guys in the gym, but he could not even take on me im a bit smaller than him and he wants to take on bigger guys.

    Well first of all I'd say you're dumb for doing any sparring, even if it was supposed to be light without a mouthguard and headgear, and I question your trainers competence for allowing what was supposed to be a light sparring session get out of hand, and allowing new guys to spar without headgear and mouthguards. Especially no mouthguards. I'll spar without headgear once in a while just for fun but only with experienced people that I trust. Never a noob.

    If he's less experienced, you should have been able to easily see his punches coming and know how to defend them. You said he wants to spar the bigger guys when he couldn't even "take you on" but you also said you took a lot of his shots and got bloodied up. Seems he was able to "take you on".


      i was just being relaxed because thats what we do on light sparr, he was not a beginner he was already into boxing.

      Yep, i saw his punches after it he was not able to hit me, only the first flurries got me and it was alot maybe 10 or more shots i got a bit dazzele because i was not expecting him go at me like that he was strong and he got power in his punch but i took it but could not take mine. And he wasn't able to take on me and lol the trainors just let us loose like they wanted me to beat him up because he was always bragging around at them, lol he ran around the ring i gave him a few breaks then finaly said he had enough never came the next day said his body hurts. lol

      yep, my trainors aren't really trainors they are fighter trainors they also fight and same time train at the gym sometimes they can be abit of an ******* if they don't like you.
      Last edited by vein; 03-21-2009, 12:24 PM.


        i think you should not spar with out equipment but if someone came at me i would drop em....... especially if they tryed to surprise me


          Sparring without a headgear during LIGHT sparring, okay. But getting hit at all without a mouthpiece? NEVER. For one, you could ruin teeth. Secondly, not only break your jaw, but suffer a concussion easily. Whoever your trainer is should be fired for even thinking of allowing this for a second.

          As far as going in the ring with the expectation to do light work, and someone comming in trying to kill you. If your trainer is putting you in with a new guy to work with him, you must have a good amount of experience.

          I work with new guys every night in the gym, and you always get guys that want to try and swing it out. A simple and easy solution, is to land a nice clean body shot. That will slow them down very quick, and they will question comming at you hard again. If they do, just land another. I've put more then enough new guys in there place with a nicely placed left hook to the body.


            another thing i do when im sparring bigger guys who seem to not know how to tone it down is move alot.... alot of fighters who havnt been working for a long time dont know how to deal with it.... a heavy bag doesnt move lol.... but i agree.... i would never spar without my mouthpiece.... but headgear sometimes i would rather not... but i still dont because i dont want to be that guy lol


              just be serious and focus like it was a real fight.. you dont want to be called a ***** right? even if you lost as long as you give your all..


                I woulda ****ing jumped out of the ring I just spent 3 years and 7000$ on braces when I was a kid and I ain't ****ing losing a tooth for a sparing match with a nobody.


                  I usually give them a hard punch to show them they need to slow down.


                    just crack them a good one

                    a new guy was trying to swarm me and load up (bit bigger than me) so i looped a big overhard right over the top of his jab and wobbled him. he learnt his lesson after that

                    nice stiff jabs and bodyshots show em whos boss too

                    and also why were you sparring without a mouthpiece, thats pretty ******, if you had a fight coming up you could loose a tooth or get concussed or something and not be able to fight
                    Last edited by KostyaTszyu44; 03-21-2009, 11:54 PM.

