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just to clear this up

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    just to clear this up

    what im wonderin is, sometimes i can be pretty sore and the 1 or 2 days off is'nt enough time and im still sore
    so my question is, can i ignore this pain considering i already took 1 or 2 days off?
    and yea, i do NOTHIN in the recovery days(okay maybe one or two punches at the heavy bag)

    i read somethin about doin exercises when your sore which actually helps muscle pain because the blood is flowin, aslong as it's not weight liftin an ****
    so i thought to myself, what if i just workout anyway, and the pain will just go away aslong as i refrain from the bag, pushups and wieghts

    what's your take on it? i seriously cant go without excersising for more than 2 days

    Originally posted by megadude View Post
    what im wonderin is, sometimes i can be pretty sore and the 1 or 2 days off is'nt enough time and im still sore
    so my question is, can i ignore this pain considering i already took 1 or 2 days off?
    and yea, i do NOTHIN in the recovery days(okay maybe one or two punches at the heavy bag)

    i read somethin about doin exercises when your sore which actually helps muscle pain because the blood is flowin, aslong as it's not weight liftin an ****
    so i thought to myself, what if i just workout anyway, and the pain will just go away aslong as i refrain from the bag, pushups and wieghts

    what's your take on it? i seriously cant go without excersising for more than 2 days

    When you exercise your muscle fibres tear. This is most probably the reasonn why your muscles hurt. You need protein to repair the muscle fibres so if you dont get enough protein your muscles dont repair leaving you sore for a few days. My advice get more protein.


      and stretch before and after u exercise


        Hard to describe, but if it's actual pain then rest. If it's just ache's and stiffness I always try to keep going through it.


          You can get some "active recovery" time during you off days which would help with muscle soreness a bit. Go out for a walk or a slow jog or play a couple games of 21. Don't stretch sore muscles it makes them feel better for like 10 minutes but itll just keep you sore for longer.


            aight, appreciate it fellas


              As was said. If it is PAIN, then you need to take time off. A few days will do nothing. Take a week off and see how you feel.

              However, if it is just aches, soreness, tenderness. Then work out. Start your work out with some stretching, and then cardio. Shadowboxing, skip rope, speed bag. You'll notice you will loosen up, and will feel better.


                protein to help repair muscle and 7 hours min of sleep to give ur body enough time to heal. stretch AFTER u warm up (think stretching a frozen elastic band) and after u train. muscle stiffness/soreness is generally caused by lactic acid buildup, so the more u move the better u'll feel.

                that being sed, theres nothing wrong with taking breaks. if u think u mite be injured, take it easy, cos if u try to soldier through it ur prolly going to end up hurting urself even more.


                  Originally posted by oaklandstephen View Post
                  and stretch before and after u exercise
                  Depending on what kind of training he's doing. Stretching before weights can decrease your strength (short term, of course) up to 30%, so that's not such a good idea. Also, it has been firmly established that stretching does not prevent DOMS.


                    Originally posted by PunchDrunk View Post
                    Depending on what kind of training he's doing. Stretching before weights can decrease your strength (short term, of course) up to 30%, so that's not such a good idea. Also, it has been firmly established that stretching does not prevent DOMS.
                    Yup, stretching is mainly just for getting your muscles to relax after a hard session (also to squeeze lactic acid out). If you want to stretch before your workout do a warm up and then do some dynamic stretches. Dynamic stretching is just moving your limb in its full ROM and trying for a little (only a LITTLE) extra ROM. You should feel a pull but nothing uncomfortable or painfull.

