Hello ^^ I Joined a Gym!1
It is not large but it has all machines you'd want. The first time on the treadmill was really odd I got seasick the first 2 minutes. I can set up a speed and stuff. Could you make me a workout for like 1 to 1.5 hour? There's Hometrainers/Treadmills/weights ofcourse/leg curls/ weighted crunches/shoulder/bicepts/triceps -chest machine/a rowing machine. On most machines I set the weight to 20 kg's. I know thats not much but I'm a fitness "n00b".
It is not large but it has all machines you'd want. The first time on the treadmill was really odd I got seasick the first 2 minutes. I can set up a speed and stuff. Could you make me a workout for like 1 to 1.5 hour? There's Hometrainers/Treadmills/weights ofcourse/leg curls/ weighted crunches/shoulder/bicepts/triceps -chest machine/a rowing machine. On most machines I set the weight to 20 kg's. I know thats not much but I'm a fitness "n00b".