Hey everybody im new here and my run is 3.5miles in a big circle mostly high incline and i was wondering shall i run everyday im 13 5foot 7 and 12stone i need to lsoe weight and get good stamina for boxing i box two times a week and im heading for the olimpics 2012 and london/pro and was wondering i need help with my running how far shall i run and everyday? and how how often shall i train and what if i want to be a world class boxing when im 17(4years)
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running everyday
Run ~30 minutes 3 times a week, or every other day eventually (3.5x a week), and if you do that until you're 17 you'll be in better shape than 99% of your competition. If you keep the duration short and don't run too much you can make injuries rare and your stamina will slowly build to monster levels.
well it takes around 30mins to do the run and ive never had a injury if i feel that if i push it ill go to far ill stop and power walK:0 so how you think im going to be hontest i just want to run alot and improve in fitness and i want to run ALOT so what you suggest
edit: just saw this Group: 1 x 3 x 5 x
per workout
2.7 to 3.5 miles in 30 minutes
kcal/week 302 to 361 926 to 1189 1651 to
good website by the way so if i run 7times a week how many cals will i burn i say about 2300 which is great and that mean i burn 302-361 cals a day defo plus all my over training which ill add ill be getting very fit most weeks ill take the weekend of
Sounds perfect! Stopping running to walk is perfect, if you keep building your stamina stopping running to walk will just become slowing your run down a bit, know what I mean?
Losing weight pretty much depends on what you eat. Honestly the best way is to count calories, they're listed on the boxes of most stuff. 3500 calories is a pound of fat so if you eat 500 less than you need you'll lose a pound a week.Last edited by eman-resu; 08-06-2008, 04:01 PM.
You get diminishing returns what does that mean and i do i go boxing 2times a week hour a time but im plning on getting boxing stuff at my home i have a speedbag and i gettin double end bag soon my gym is a pro boxing gym and £7 a lesson that y i dnt do as much
No it means running 5 times a week doesn't do a lot more for you than 3 times, you'll get more stamina from running more for sure, but your odds of getting hurt go WAY up which could hurt your stamina in the long-term.
Once you have years and years of running and know your limits really well you can run way more, safely.