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Messed up joiNTs..

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    Messed up joiNTs..

    i talked about this in an already made thread but i just want my own replies now to make it more clear..ever since i was little, for no reason i would have pains in my knees and other joints in my body..but now i found something that makes my knees hurt..running..i cant run anymore because when i do, the next day my knee hurts hella bad that i cant even move it..

    it could b my running shoes but im a little short on doe so i cant get any for a while..my running shoes dont even have that air support in it..so i suppose thats one problem..

    in the other thread one of the posters said all i gotta do is stretch my knees out..what are some stretches for my knees?? and also i havent been workin out including running for at least 2 months now..mainly bcuz my shoulder injury..but next week im gonna get back to at least just runnin..soo i need some good help..thanks in advance..

    i take glucosamine chondritin twice a day, it is fairly inexpensive, designed specifically for joint relief and i think it helps quite a bit in regards to boxing training


      is that for like old people or something tho..im only 15 n i dont wanna take pills that will help now but **** me up in the future


        Take cod liver oil capsules they help keep your joints supple and its not old peoples stuff.


          iight thanks for the replies but im lookin for more natural ways of preventing..is it possible??


            Cod liver oils 100 per cent natural, I dont think you can prevent joint wear and tear without taking something. The more you use your joints the more theyre prone to wear and tear, cod liver oil is what the old trainer guy in the gym told all of us to take and it definitley works.


              I would have to recommend Levitra; it does wonders. Get some prescribed by your doctor and take about 5 of those like an hour before you head to the gym/run etc. and you'll be golden, thank me later.


                Originally posted by CSF Geist View Post
                I would have to recommend Levitra; it does wonders. Get some prescribed by your doctor and take about 5 of those like an hour before you head to the gym/run etc. and you'll be golden, thank me later.
                uhh, is that a joke...? levitra is for dudes who cant get their **** up to have ***, isnt it???


                  LOL yeah; just my lame attempt at some comic relief here at BS; but I still think Flip should take my advice just for ****s and giggles.


                    I go into a chiropractor twice a month to get my spine straitened out. They also can crack the knees, arms, whatever. This has, coupled with other excircises which strengthen the hips, completely got rid of my knee pain. And I had bad pains, man. You should at least go get an assessment, when you have some time and money. Maybe under your parents health plan, or a school one?

