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Cuctom Mouthguards!!

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    Cuctom Mouthguards!!

    Just like when I introduced those badass looking Twins gloves from Thailand, Im introducing some badass lookin custom mouthpieces cause I havent seen anyone here bringing it up. You can get ANY design you want on them and have them whatever color etc etc, and they are a better quality than the regular boil and bites you get at the store. Heres some pictures of some...

    The people that I think make the two best looking ones are here...

    theres also some others like smartguards and gladiator but protech seems to be considered the best. I dont know much about guard ya grills though but they look insane.

    I plan on getting one soon

    lol i want to see judah wear that chrome mouth piece ahahhaa


      i want one...i was gonna buy one...

      but there is no place on either site where you can go through the guards and no prices. There isn't even a shop part. How do they expect to sell these things!?

      Bah, i'll go look elsewhere on the net.


        everyone should use a custom mouth gaurd. I view it as necesary equipment.



          i think this site makes the best out of the ones tha have been posted on this thread so far


            Originally posted by mickeyb View Post
            i want one...i was gonna buy one...

            but there is no place on either site where you can go through the guards and no prices. There isn't even a shop part. How do they expect to sell these things!?

            Bah, i'll go look elsewhere on the net.
            protech has the price page and everything, you can order from them. I dont think the other does though.

            Boxing4ever, from another forums reviews Protech > Smartguards > Gladiator


              That'd be clean as hell to get your nickname across your mouthpiece.

              They should sell more flag type mouthpieces, I'd buy a mexico flag colored mouthpiece since I am hispanic.


                I like the fang ones, makes you look all scary. Either that or i'd have the English flag.... what would be really cool if you could get a pirate jolly roger mouthguard. All black but with white skull and cross bones right in the middle of your guard.


                  GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD find animal.. yessurrr


                    Those mouthguards cost more than the RJJ

                    they like $120-130

