Depending on what type of training you are talking about here, determines the quality of the workout. What you've got to remember is that all you're muscles are essentially digging at the same reserves, your carb and protein intake. The only problem I can see with that workout is that you train consecutively on wednesday and thursday, and although you are hitting different muscle groups, you're body is still recovering from the leg workout when you start working your arms. This will obviously not halt your progress, but especially with the legs being a big muscle group and one that is requires more work to take to muscular failure, will hinder it slightly.
Also, think about the way your workouts are split up:
Also, think about the way your workouts are split up:
"One of the most important reasons why a chest-back superset program works so well is the fact that most chest exercises are pushing movements, while all back exercises are pulling exercises. Thc chest muscles are resting during the last exercise and the lats are resting during the chest movement. While each muscle is alternately resting and working, it stay's fully flushed and pumped up.... When the chest and upper back are pumped simultaneously, there is an indescribable feeling of growth stimulation and massiveness."