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Larry Merchant is racist.

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    Originally posted by HeadBodyBodyBody View Post
    Ali was not articulate!? What the hell new-fangled supercrack you been smoking?
    Clearly you don’t even know what “articulate” means. I suspect that your mother was smoking crack while carrying you.
    Originally posted by billeau2 View Post
    I am not a Floyd Hater...Lets establish that fact. I pick him at 135 to be one of the greatest fighters. But there are some things that you may want to look at more carefully.

    Floyd's success came AFTER De La Hoya. This fight propelled him, and gave him an opportunity to leave Arum. Prior to that fight Mayweather was not a draw, it was a real problem for him. After that fight he had a great opportunity. Arum was question about it.
    Let’s get the facts straight. Floyd had to leave arum to get the dlh fight. The dlh fight didn’t give him the opportunity to leave arum. Arum refused to try and even make the dlh fight for Floyd and scoffed at Floyd’s $20 million demand for the fight.

    Yes that fight propelled Floyd into a superstar but it was his courage intelligence and vision that even made that opportunity possible. That’s my point. We have to give him credit for the smart moves he’s made outside of the ring. It doesn’t matter what you tell yourself, you’re a hater if you refuse to give the man his due credit and insist upon perpetuating lies to discredit his accomplishments.

    Originally posted by billeau2 View Post
    Again let me preface what I tell you with examples. King often had a strangle hold on fighters as well, and unless they had enough success they had to work with King... Even agreeing to let his inept son Carl manage them. Holmes, escaped King, and as intelligent and business savy as Holmes was, he was able to do this because he became enough of a draw, and was out of Ali's shadow.

    Ali was very bright, articulate...really he was special. There is a fundamental difference between Floyd's level of ethics, intellect, self development and Ali. Ali could say horrible things at times...and would turn around and give you the shirt off his back. The late **** Gregory (one of my favorite individuals) knew Ali and Malcolm X very well and talked about how Ali had to toe a line. But Ali did this because he was an activist, a voice for individuals who were sent to fight a war they had NOthINg to gain from, only to advance a power structure.

    I apologize for the digression. But its very important IMO that people do not forget the things Ali stood for. He was far from a perfect human being, but Ali used his great skills and insight to make this world better. Floyd will be the first one to tell you he is about making his life better, even when it comes to taking a stand against corporate america, etc.
    I don’t take anything away from Ali. I will say that there’s a lot of revisionist history when it comes to how people like ali are viewed by America. Ali was hated more than Floyd is while he was still physically and mentally sharp. It wasn’t until he was broken down in both respects that the avg American started pretending to look favorably upon ali. The things that ali stood for weren’t appreciated then and they aren’t now. If prime ali existed in present time he’d be more hated than Floyd. Posters here would say that he was racist, he’s overrated, a runner, etc and they’d go even harder against him than they do Floyd.

    It’s the same with mlk. America pretends that he’s this beloved figure but America hated mlk when he was alive. He’d be seen as a “race baiter” ala Al Sharpton or somebody. I say that to say that there’s always an excuse for why outspoken black men are hated. Floyd isn’t even race conscious and he’s always called racist. It’s why race can never be dismissed as a factor in how black men are viewed by the media and public.


      Originally posted by BoomBapTrap View Post
      Awww poor fella got his feelings hurt!
      It’s okay Ployd is still 51-0.
      U can’t forget to add his win over Josie Harris.
      My feelings are hurt because you just discovered that Larry Merchant doesn't like Floyd like that hasn't been common knowledge for like 20 years

      They had an argument live on PPV you fucking moron


        About time White people acknowledge it.


          Originally posted by Goldie View Post
          Clearly you don’t even know what “articulate” means. I suspect that your mother was smoking crack while carrying you.
          Muhammad Ali was not just incredibly articulate for a boxer, he was one of the most articulate people of the twentieth century. Which is a large reason for why it was so heart-breaking to see him lose grasp of his mental faculties as time wore on.

          And I quote:

          "Most fighters are at their most articulate in the violent language of the ring. The most extraordinary pugilist of all [Ali] found expression outside as well as inside those ropes."

          "And, of course, Muhammad Ali--the proudest, most articulate, and most defiant of them all. For the younger sportswriters Ali was the heavyweight champion."
          Taken from Joe Louis: Hard Times Man by Randy Roberts

          "[Ali]... was much more than a boxer, he was one of the century's most articulate and entertaining rebels. For example, when Ali refused to be drafted into the Army, saying, "I have no quarrel with the Vietcong", this had an immense impact on the black soldiers that made up one third of the US military."

 to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality
          Synonyms: Eloquent, loquacious, lucid, silver-tongued, fluent, expressive


            Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
            wonderful... i am crap at grammer.. i pay people for that.. i am an engineer.. love great writers. and murakami is great. norweigan wood.. read it.. some japanese authors emulated french nilistic guys. and opted out of life. , Suna no Onna, a great read.. box man.. abe kobo.. great stuff... having spent a large part of my life in japan. i get invited to lecture on lit.. and i am not a lit guy.. i feel confident in my hebrew judaic up bringing.. i read all kinds of stuff.. i am off the cuff. and speak when i probably should listen or shut up.. i am not a young guy.. but i am spry...i loved reading fitzgerald..when i was in prison.. i read the count of monte christo.. sic spelling.. i do not care..

            i used to read every and any thing. my girl ex girl wen wen wang.. is published... maxine hong kingston was a teacher to me at cal.. go bears.. i can't make this **** chit up.. can not.. one of the hardest classes I ever had was a film class that i took as an easy A,, after a week.. i had to go and change my view and toook it pass or fail.. it was hard... i never imagined how hard or the subtleties of everything.. mattered. i am an engineer.. my eyes were rudely opened... i had a paper a week and i could barely keep up with my class mates.. a class i took looking for that easy A, became a bayonet in my ribs. and i could not take it lightly..

            back to lit.. i loved reading tolstoy and other russian authors.. i like dark stuff. pain.. suffering.. The Gulag Archipelago... i was in the shu.. special housing unit. and i read and re read it.. and said to myself.... wow.. being incarcerated in the usa is easy.. compared to this stuff.. when i read Saul Bellow... i smiled.. and wept..

            my wife says. hey.. have you read this book... and I lie and say no.. tell me about it. it is usually a book i buy for her. and she loves reading to me.. in japanese.. she is studying hebrew.. she thinks it is gods language..

            you are my friend..
            Thank you for the book and author recommendations. I will have some free time for reading this summer. I wrote down the names of your suggestions and I will take some time to read at least one or two of the Japanese authors.


              Originally posted by Leonbus2 View Post
              Thank you for the book and author recommendations. I will have some free time for reading this summer. I wrote down the names of your suggestions and I will take some time to read at least one or two of the Japanese authors.
              respect to people who still read and think for themselves... never ever go along to get along.... your energy and opinions matter and can make a big differnce in the world..

              when i was in prison.. i read the dumas.. the count of monte cristo..i read.. when you are in prison.. you have a lot of time.. especially if you are me.. i did not work... i did not listen to direct orders... i spent a lot of time on my own.. locked up.. a prison within a prison... great experience.. amazing.. transformative experiences.. everything is an experience.. nothing good or bad.. merely thinking it makes it so.. i think that is shakespear.. or john dees...

              What have you, my good friends, deserv'd at the hands of
              Fortune, that she sends you to prison hither?

              Prison, my lord?

              Denmark's a prison.

              Then is the world one.

              A goodly one, in which there are many confines, wards, and
              dungeons, Denmark being one o' th' worst.

              We think not so, my lord.

              Why then 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or
              bad, but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison.
              Hamlet Act 2, scene 2, 239–251


                Originally posted by Tatabanya View Post
                I read this post only after directly responding to you.

                Now I know everything I needed to know. It's called "exposure of presumed knowledge", obviously linked with a rather rigid categorization. In my daily life I deal with this kind of pretentiousness on a constant basis. Someone decides what is wrong or what is right for him/her, and judges/addresses the others by that parameter, to the point of attempting to steer them towards their own vision of things.

                "Explain or defend his conception of the cosmos". I can't believe what I'm reading. In the great philosopher John McEnroe's words (*), you cannot be serious. In front of which entity should I "defend" my conception of the cosmos, which is totally irrelevant - like anyone else's - to begin with? In a few decades both of us will be dead, our molecules and respective consciousness entirely transformed into who knows what, and you still think that a miserable human's cosmic conception is trustworthy, and needing to be "explained"? Perhaps by a student (whose theories, incidentally, weigh exactly the same of a professor's conception, provided we're not dealing with unintelligent specimens).

                Good luck with your professional activities, and thanks for trying to teach me a new vocabulary. It might come handy one day to impress younger chicks, one never knows

                (*) It's irony.
                I appreciate your response. I apologize for my initial reaction to your posts. I think I reacted like I would if a student made the claims you made.

                To be clearer, there already exists thinkers who make the claims you make. These claims and arguments have been written systematically and comprehensively. What you articulated, already has a substantial amount of literature written. I wanted to point you to a couple of those texts. I did this with a sincere motive of expanding your learning and to develop your ideas further. For example, social constructionism has been written about for decades and your assertions conform to its assertions. What social constructions avoid is the vague notions of things like "infinity" especially when it is used in a colloquial sort of way you used the term. Basically, there exists a library of literature that will help you to more effectively articulate your claims and evidence, regardless of the context.

                Your personal response that includes the old and all too common implication of elitism, egocentrism, and impressing the chicks (that's my favorite) has no relation to the validity of your claims about the cosmos. Your arguments are what they are, regardless of my motives or character.

                Furthermore, language is just about all we have. So as perceiving human subjects, while we are conscious of self and the world, we must create the world we perceive. We cannot do otherwise. Again this is regardless of our short life spans or our potential transformations, etc. So, to posit things that humans simply cannot access subjectivity is poor argument. Thus, my reading suggestions where you can teach yourself.

                I used the term new age, but Christian would work too as the claims rest upon the same presupposition: things exist outside of or beyond human perception. The failure of this argument is the tautology part. Simply, the human is required to state the claim about things that exist beyond human perception. Do you see the circle?

                Letour et. al. work through this problem by examining scientific claims. I still suggest reading him.

                Hope this clears things up.


                  Originally posted by Tatabanya View Post
                  He should have saved that disdain for the subsequent gift they gave to DLH.
                  Oscar won the p4p battle of cokeheads fair and square. Although Sweet Pea can claim some kind of moral victory from apparently doing the stronger stuff considering he was so out to lunch he convinced himself that he could win the fight without throwing punches.


                    Originally posted by Caxcan View Post
                    Oscar won the p4p battle of cokeheads fair and square. Although Sweet Pea can claim some kind of moral victory from apparently doing the stronger stuff considering he was so out to lunch he convinced himself that he could win the fight without throwing punches.
                    I don't agree, but the "battle of cokeheads" definition definitely wins you points!


                      Originally posted by Goldie View Post
                      What does it say that a “crack family” is more successful than your piece of s**t family and could buy and sell the whole lot of short dirty f**ks in the blink of an eye? Go eat a big bowl of bat soup lol.
                      - -U mad!

                      Lotta rich crooks in politics and Wall Street who weren't exposed as the sissy U boy toy was.

                      Never seen a growed man go squallin' fer his daddy like U cheat did against Maidana. Did it again against Tenshin...only in boxing these days!

