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The Standing Eight Count: Is Oscar De La Hoya More Than a “Pretty Boy”?

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    The Standing Eight Count: Is Oscar De La Hoya More Than a “Pretty Boy”?

    Just as one might do when going to Alcoholics Anonymous, I’m ready to face my problem head on and come clean about my addiction. Go ahead and call me a homer, or if you prefer, you can refer to me as my least favorite internet catch phrase “nuthugger”. I just don’t care anymore. I must say that I love Oscar De La Hoya! Don’t get excited ****-phobes, I mean in the Boxing fan sense. Although I will say that I did enjoy Brokeback Mountain more than I care to admit. [details]

    hey rick its cool bro i am a huge delahoya fan...i get irrataited with him sometimes and then sometimes im swayed by the haters to hate too but at the end of the day theres probably no other fighter that can say they fought chavesx2 camacho trinidad hopkins vargas mosley x2 whitikar ...and the list goes on it as it may oscar delahoya is a legend who will sorely be missed when hes gone

