Assuming last night was in fact, Hopkin's final fight, can you think of any other fighter going out better?
not that i can recall, im just glad to see one of the best middleweights ever go out on top in such a dramatic fashion, and shutting up a guy i hate.
but there is a chance for another great ending coming up, for gatti that is. if he beats baldy then fights cotto (which ive heard rumours of) and wins, that could b a pretty cool ending, too. but we'll have to wait and c how each of their fights to come play out (if bhop decides not to retire)
The ending defined the man rather than the career.
1. Choosing to end a career where it started and reversing the result (he lost by MD in his debut then won decisively in his valedictory in the very same town)
2. Did not merely go against the odds but made those odds look silly in restrospect.
3. As he had often done previously, once more made pundits eat crow.
4. Talked the talk, then, walked the walk.
Hopkins has been quoted as saying, "They'll love me when I'm gone." Many doubt that can ever happen. But, then, he may prove himself right. Again.
I shan't go as far as that. I am aware that there have been prophets at Wall Street whose bodies were later found splattered all over pavements.
If it is difficult predicting bears and bulls in the market, knowing for sure the future sentiments of fans and pundits--fickle as they are-- shall be exponentially more trying.
I'll put Hopkins at a level short of prophet but higher than most in predicting how things will turn out about him. He's had a fairly high batting average.