D only controversy here is that fake Champions such as Frampton, RanaCruz, Quigg and so on keep running from me. That is controversial! No🍳
— Guillermo Rigondeaux (@RigoElChacal305)
Want controversial? Bob asked his price fighter 2gain as much weight as he could so when d time came he has advantage over me. Bring him on!
— Guillermo Rigondeaux (@RigoElChacal305)
Controversial is da a 2 time Olympic winner have 2depend on warriors such as Moises 🌺 2fight Bc fake Champions on my division are chickens
— Guillermo Rigondeaux (@RigoElChacal305)
Controversial is da manager can't even answer on a press conference when asked if he is up 2maked fight happen
— Guillermo Rigondeaux (@RigoElChacal305)
As always. The big powerful man picking on the little man.
— Guillermo Rigondeaux (@RigoElChacal305)
In nationality and the amount of $ you bring to the game is what determines how d big and powerful deal with you. Fail is irrelevant
— Guillermo Rigondeaux (@RigoElChacal305)