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Comments Thread For: Canelo: Golovkin Received His Biggest Offer - Do Not Blame Me!

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    "I'm not a real 160 pound boxer"

    Now you are fighting at 164.5. BUSTED!!!!!! EVERYONE wants to see lil g retire you diva, pay the man his % so the world can pay to see you eradicated from the sport.


      If ANYONE not named Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, or Miguel Cotto, doesn't sign a $15 million dollar offer to fight ANYBODY within 10lbs. of their weight class, it's a duck!


        Originally posted by considerthis View Post
        It's just as easy to say canelo should give him a split than it is to say ggg should take the offer. 65-35 is a fair range...if ggg didn't accept something like that, then I'd say he's holding the fight up.
        So, if they fight at 160, the champ with 4 or 5 belts should take a 35% split against the guy with no titles? LMAO.....wut?


          Originally posted by mathed View Post
          So, if they fight at 160, the champ with 4 or 5 belts should take a 35% split against the guy with no titles? LMAO.....wut?
          If your the B-Side and have only 1 PPV buy that tank then yeah!

          Hey numbnutz whats your excuse going to be when Canelo fight has close to a MILLIONS buys and GGG's is around 250K???

          That 75/25 split looks good then doe.


            Just cos GGG has been underpaid his whole career don't mean nelo can continue to underpay him. Pay GGG what his ability and skills and supoerstar name is worth.
            Just like women have been paid less than men for hundreds of years. Its not good enough to pay women nearly as much as men. Just cos women have been underpaid for years doiesnt means its still ok.
            So stop trying to justify 15 million by saying its more than he's ever made


              Originally posted by Bronx2245 View Post
              If ANYONE not named Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, or Miguel Cotto, doesn't sign a $15 million dollar offer to fight ANYBODY within 10lbs. of their weight class, it's a duck!
              EXACTLY!!! Hell Cotto and Pac are struggling to get that much even now a days.


                Originally posted by taste View Post
                **** I hope so don't you? This shit is tiresome. But Canelo is stating his home is now 160.

                I know we're on opposite ends of the whole GGG debate, but if there is a flat offer of 15mil on the table for G, I think he and his team are complete idiots if they don't take it. I can't understand this move by team GGG.

                Greened for keeping it real and great post...
                I don't understand that at all??? PLUS his sponsor is Jordan??? You would think with him decked out in Jordan gear for a mega fight would be worth some serious extra $$$$$???


                  Originally posted by aboutfkntime View Post
                  it sounds to me like they are over Golovkin, and that offer will be their justification to move on
                  They never really wanted golovkin in the first place


                    Canelo is a mirror of Oscar .Everyone knows Canelo is running .He has lost all respect running from a fight that he thinks if he makes enough excuses to swerve it will go away.Just has Khan has wiggled out and run again from Brook but the excuses have caught up with both.


                      Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post
                      EXACTLY!!! Hell Cotto and Pac are struggling to get that much even now a days.
                      Did Floyd make $15 million dollars to fight Oscar? Did Cotto make $15 million dollars to fight Mayweather? I think I'll have to research that! I know Hopkins didn't get $15 million to fight De La Hoya! That's a lot of dough!

