I thought he'd been looking better recently.
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Comments Thread For: Lucien Bute Fails Drug Test, Positive For Ostarine in Jack Draw
Bute worked with Memo Herredia for the first time when he trained for DeGale. I don't know though if he worked with Memo for the Jack fight b/c Jack also works with Herredia.
I'm of the opinion that a TUE for hormone supplementation should be allowed for fighters who have low hormone counts like TE. However it needs to be monitored so that their hormone levels are kept within a reasonable balance (maintained no higher than the average male in their 20's). By allowing this, you'd see a lot less guys trying to cheat the system. In the past they didn't monitor the TE ratios.
This fight was a robbery too which is bad enough and on top of that, that explains how he was still strong after taking all those body shots.
I thought it was common knowledge that everybody working with Memo Heredia is on PEDs?
what's really surprising is that Bute got caught
he probably didn't follow memo's instructions to cycle off his peds correctly
tsk, this is a black mark for Memo's reputation of being a master of undetectable PEDs