I'm vladimir 19 years old (almost 20) i have had about 30-35 street fights in Russia and in the Netherlands have 0 loses. I've always wanted to do boxing when i was little.
Here is my pic, do you think i have potential?
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One thing I will say that you have going for you is you are not afraid to fight. Thats the 1st major hurdle one has to pass before even stepping into any sort of combat sport but be prepared to be humbled. Any decent fighter thats been in training knows technique is key so if you can get over your first humbling, itll all depend on your determination after that. One thing street fighters tend to get wrong is foot placement, every combat sport from boxing to wrestling becomes easier when you know where and how to place your feet. Also with a name like Vladimir, you have a great chance of gaining a lot of groupie fans without having to beat anyone really good, just stay undefeated and say everyone is ducking you... lol
You have to train and spar. Maybe you can do something if you're a natural fighter. That's a good base. But you have to train for years if you want to be at the championship level.