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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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    Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
    Again, you are mixing apples with oranges. Jumping from one thing to another and categorizing them as the same thing just like you did with Floyd vs Russian incident.

    Once you understand, then you will realize your mistakes.

    Apples, oranges, shredded coconut, marsh mellows, orange slices, and we have a FCuKING Fruit/Pruit salad.

    My question is where is the beef? F-that surf & turf, potato salad, lumpia, & tacos and fine women serving it up!!!


      Originally posted by tangalog2200 View Post
      Every breath you take
      Every INJURY YOU FAKE (who?)
      Every EXCUSE YOU MAKE (dehydration?)
      Every step you take (going home for iv?)
      I'll be watching you. (usada?)
      Just green k'd you!

      Good stuff!

      LMAO!!! All the way to the non investigation that actually needs to happen but won't happen! Talaga!!!


        Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
        Just green k'd you!

        Good stuff!

        LMAO!!! All the way to the non investigation that actually needs to happen but won't happen! Talaga!!!
        hay zaroku....

        loko ka talaga ha ha ha ha



          Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
          I voted he cheated, my opinion.
          Yes Zaroku. He cheated that is why his win against Pac doesn't count.

          If you measure his gifted win against Pac. The value of his win since it's already gifted and add the cheating of using peds against a one armed Pac.

          The Value of his win against Pac = 0
          Last edited by Spoon23; 11-13-2015, 03:21 AM.


            Originally posted by tangalog2200 View Post
            hay zaroku....

            loko ka talaga ha ha ha ha


            But the investigation should happen!!!


              Originally posted by AllEyesOpen View Post
              Weak response. I made 2 points. First you claim WADA wouldn't review an individual tue but that makes no sense as that's the only way you can review a tue, case by case.

              Second you try to change your stance by claiming USADA is incompetent when your original claim was they were in Mayweather's pocket. If USADA is allowing any athlete to cheat it's more then enough reason for the wada to investigate them as they did Russia, because if one man can manipulate them anyone can. If obe man can buy them anyone can.

              It's okay though as I've also said i know your entire argument is weak and only exsists because your idol lost, at least you eased up on the slomo videos.
              No your points are not only weak but WRONG!!!

              On my first response to you was this statement below, was it not? Do I need to explain this to you or do you understand? Just checking because I said it on several occasions but your response is like what you posted right here. WHICH IS WRONG!!!!

              "WADA retains the right (but not the obligation) to review the TUE decisions"

              Secondly, in most cases, WADA will review because there is a request to do so or due to denials on the TUE from other levels. Since Floyd was granted the TUE by USADA there is no reason for others to make a request. So again, there is no obligation for WADA to review it. You keep on bringing this point up as to imply that WADA reviewed Floyd incident ........

              Originally posted by ADP02
              Now as for your other statement about USADA. Well, that does not mean that they are on the up and up. Either willfully or just completely incompetent. Take your pick. Plenty of examples have been pointed out already.
              Read your post. Now read the above statement? Is what you posted what I said? NO!!!

              Your last point. Again, there is a process and it takes time. WADA will be looking at it from a different point of view compared to what you are saying. They will verify that USADA is following WADA's Code and standards. Again, that is different than checking individual results as you keep implying (USADA and Floyd).

              Still don't believe me? read for yourself

              1. What is WADA’s role in relation to the monitoring of anti-doping activities?

              WADA’s duty is to monitor anti-doping activities worldwide to ensure proper implementation of and compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code), the document harmonizing anti-doping rules in all sports and all countries, by International Sports Federations (IFs) and National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs).

              WADA’s role is therefore at a very high level.

              2. Is WADA involved in the management of the results of doping controls tests?

              No. WADA is never involved in the individual results management of adverse analytical findings. (An adverse analytical finding is the result of the analysis of a doping control sample that shows the presence of a prohibited substance or method.)

              That is the responsibility of the NADO and/or Sports Federation involved in the particular case.

              3. What type of information does WADA receive regarding adverse analytical findings?

              For every adverse analytical finding, WADA receives a certificate of analysis from the WADA accredited laboratory. These certificates of analysis do not include the name of the athlete involved, since all samples analyzed by laboratories are anonymized and identified only by a code number.

              Laboratory notifications help WADA follow up with the Anti-Doping Organization (ADO) involved to ensure that its result management of the case properly follows the established rules and processes and is in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

              4. What are the procedures for managing the results of adverse analytical findings? 

              The procedures for results management vary slightly among ADOs (within the framework of articles 7 and 8 of the Code), including when to notify WADA of doping cases and sanctions as well as when and how to make public disclosure of anti-doping rule violations.

              The Code (Art. 14.1) specifies that “(…) The athlete’s National Anti-Doping Organization and International Federation and WADA shall also be notified not later than the completion of the process described inArticles 7.1 (Initial Review Regarding Adverse Analytical Findings) through 7.4 (Review of other anti-doping rule violations).

              Notification shall include: the athlete’s name, country, sport and discipline within the sport, the athlete's competitive level, whether the test was in-competition or out-of-competition, the date of sample collection and the analytical result reported by the laboratory. The same persons and Anti-Doping Organizations shall be regularly updated on the status and findings of any review (…)”

              5. When can WADA intervene?

              WADA is not involved in the disciplinary process until after the results management and sanctioning of the athlete are completed by the NADO/IF. This includes any internal appeal or review of a national decision by its IF.

              WADA’s role is to assess the sanctioning process followed by the relevant ADO following the completion of the process. Should WADA have any concerns about the process or the result, WADA may exercise its right of appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). WADA has a right of appeal to CAS for cases under the jurisdiction of organizations that have implemented the Code.

              6. Does WADA announce adverse analytical results or doping cases? 

              No. It is not part of WADA’s responsibilities or mission to announce the adverse analytical findings of athletes; that is the role of the organization in charge of results management of a particular doping case. WADA does not even know the name of the athlete involved until such information is communicated by the ADO in charge of results management, or publicly announced by the athlete or his/her entourage.

              The Code (Art. 14.2) states that “(…) No later than twenty days after it has been determined in a hearing that an anti-doping rule violation has occurred, or such hearing has been waived, or the assertion of an anti-doping rule violation has not been timely challenged, the Anti-Doping Organization responsible for results management must publicly report the disposition of the anti-doping matter.”

              Once the relevant ADO has completed its adjudication of a particular doping case, WADA reviews the decision and, if the Agency is of a view that the decision might not comply with the World Anti-Doping Code, the Agency considers whether to exercise its right of appeal to CAS.

              Last edited by ADP02; 11-13-2015, 09:36 PM.


                Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
                Yes Zaroku. He cheated that is why his win against Pac doesn't count.

                If you measure his gifted win against Pac. The value of his win since it's already a gifted add the cheating of using peds against a one armed Pac.

                The Value of his win against Pac = 0
                I voted he cheated. But I believe PAC & Marquez also cheated!

                This is all white boarding here... Part of my actual job

                Total Zaroku speculation

                If, all the are PED cheats.

                Then Floyd still wins. He fights better, and cheats worse. He cheats in plain sight. That is boss player ****! Sure I cheated.... F you! I am not doing anything different than PAC, Marquez, or other Elite Atheletes!!!

                Even Playing field! Floyd wins. All drugs. Or No drugs he beats those guys.

                Boxing, Floyd beats me easy. Real street ****, he needs his body guards. Diff topic.

                We are talking boxing, a craft, an art, Floyd excels at the art form.
                I can't imagine perfecting & dedicating my life to perfecting my craft.

                I am good at what I do, but in my profession Mallinagi is the same as a GGG in power. The metrics for measuring relative skill/power are not firmly established.
                Last edited by Zaroku; 11-13-2015, 03:37 AM.


                  Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                  Apples, oranges, shredded coconut, marsh mellows, orange slices, and we have a FCuKING Fruit/Pruit salad.

                  My question is where is the beef? F-that surf & turf, potato salad, lumpia, & tacos and fine women serving it up!!!

                  Like WADA president said about trying to catch Lance Armstrong: "The will is not there"

                  and they were right. Those who should have dealt with Lance were closing their eyes ...... so if you pretend that the beef is not there, then its just not there ...... but it is!


                    Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
                    Like WADA president said about trying to catch Lance Armstrong: "The will is not there"

                    and they were right. Those who should have dealt with Lance were closing their eyes ...... so if you pretend that the beef is not there, then its just not there ...... but it is!

                    Fire those who should deal with Floyd but can't. They can't.

                    Want a veggie burger???

                    End of imagined story!


                      Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                      Fire those who should deal with Floyd but can't. They can't.

                      Want a veggie burger???

                      End of imagined story!
                      veggie burger???
                      I will stick with what I know and will let you know ..... for a price.

