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Comments Thread For: Pacquiao: If I Hurt Mayweather, I Expect He'll Run

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    running is a skill, and he'll be victorius at that


      Originally posted by Check_hooks View Post
      theres zero chance floyd fights toe to toe
      Go watch how Floyd fights southpaws first before you leave such a comment, Floyd is very offensive against southpaws and he initiates more than he counters, he does that simply because the shoulder roll followed by the counter right doesn't really work against southpaws, so he uses the high gaurd and he uses his offense as defense sometimes, along with his ability to bend at the waist to avoid straight left and his ability to smother his opponent, he doesn't really need to be doing a lot of movement.
      Go watch him fight Victor Ortiz and you'll know what I'm talking about, I expect Floyd to fight the same kind of fight against Pacquiao.


        I honestly wonder of ppl really understand the styles of the fighters they are talking about. This is a very very tough fight for manny. Even roach says that. It's a tough fight for Floyd too, but Floyd is certainly the one with all the better intangibles, at least on paper. It's about 70-30 to me who wins. I think it'll be a great fight. But unless mammy suddenly learns how to fight moving forward and cutting the right off or unless he becomes a world class counter puncher over night, it's hard to see him win a decision. And he's not knocking floyd out so it's gonna be tough.


          Originally posted by Ahmed_Ismail View Post
          Go watch how Floyd fights southpaws first before you leave such a comment, Floyd is very offensive against southpaws and he initiates more than he counters, he does that simply because the shoulder roll followed by the counter right doesn't really work against southpaws, so he uses the high gaurd and he uses his offense as defense sometimes, along with his ability to bend at the waist to avoid straight left and his ability to smother his opponent, he doesn't really need to be doing a lot of movement.
          Go watch him fight Victor Ortiz and you'll know what I'm talking about, I expect Floyd to fight the same kind of fight against Pacquiao.
          I watched that fight and Ortiz started to tag Flody but for some reason lost his damn mind. I hope he gets offensive against Manny so that it'll be a lot easier for Manny not to chase him all over the ring. I highly doubt it though.


            This is a very winnable fight for Manny. Money May has been looking old in his last two bouts with Maidana.

            Truthfully, Floyd has not looked the same since the Canelo Alvarez fight where he was more energetic and youthful. However, now he appears old. He's averaging throwing less than 25 punches per round.

            Mayweather strategy is very simple. He wants to run out the clock by limiting his opponent's punch volume with lots of feints, jabs and footwork.

            Therefore, if Pac can throw enough flurries he can steal most of the close rounds on just activity alone. All the punches doesn't have to land. He just has to outwork Mayweather in order to win them.

            It won't be an easy task however because Pac is not an inside fighter and Floyd has both the height and reach advantage over him; Meaning Manny has to get close enough in order to throw his punches.


              Don't see how Mayweather can lose this. Pacquaio is a shadow of his former self.


                Originally posted by Arshad221 View Post
                Why come PAC couldn't counter Marquez? Marquez sets his right up by faking a left, why didn't Manny never adjust to that since he's a counter puncher? Send me one of those long replies you do trying to sound smart
                Did I say he's a counter puncher? I said people think that Manny doesn't counter are wrong. Watch the video. He countered Marquez but not continuously, but he did countered him. Marquez style bothers Manny, there's no secret about that. Watch the video and tell me Manny doesn't counter.


                  I won't be surprise during the fight Floyd will fake an injury claiming Manny thumb him in the eye or something just to buy time once he get buzz by Manny's straight left.

                  I agree with Manny, once Floyd taste his power he'll run and pot shot, and hold. That's the only way Floyd wins the fight. He ain't knocking Pacquaio out. if he couldn't put Gatti to sleep after he throws Everything including the kitchen sink, what make these fools think he can put Manny to sleep like Marquez did? Unless Memo give him the same formula he gave Marquez, he ain't knocking Manny out.


                    All you have to do is watch the Judah fight to see how quick floyd adjust, forth round floyd shoots a straight punch just to see how zab would counter, it was a right hook which left his right side wide open for a left hook to the body. Floyd throws the exact same punch zab bit on it and Floyd ducked under landing a beautiful left hook to zabs right side, he was not gassed that punch murdered him he was done after that punch. Manny is weak to the body definitely his right side I've seen Marg hurt him to the right and also Marquez in the last fight Manny was weary of Marquez going low which he got countered up top for the knock down.


                      Originally posted by Bolopunch68 View Post
                      I watched that fight and Ortiz started to tag Flody but for some reason lost his damn mind. I hope he gets offensive against Manny so that it'll be a lot easier for Manny not to chase him all over the ring. I highly doubt it though.
                      Ortiz did not lost his temper, it was scripted. Notice Floyd whisper something on Victor's ears before sucker punching him? TWICE?

                      And why was Cortez looking at the other way when they said he already called fight? He should be watching the fight in stead of looking at something away from the fight.

                      Coincidentally miss jackson won a bet that Ortiz will not go the distance ain't that strange

