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Official Floyd Mayweather- Manny Pacquiao Postfight aftermath discussion

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    Originally posted by johnm is... View Post
    The sad thing is, you still think (or at least pretend to think) that because the crowd "boo's" Mayweather, it means they think he lost.

    They boo for the same reason they pay to watch him fight. Because they WANT to see him lose. Then are upset when he doesn't.

    They're no different than you on here crying about it. You're just upset because he's 1) undefeated and 2) stayed that way by making easy work of Manny.
    No just stating the obvious. One day at a time.

    Floyd Mayweather is a protected padded boxer. He's boxing style is why people are seeing why MMA is more exciting, and fight fans everywhere are diverting to Mma coz that's where the real action is.

    Until they fixed that loop hole where in boxers clinch for no reason and freeze the action to duck an exchange from happening. it is what it is. it's just bad boxing. This sport will die.

    I'm here to expose that. And somehow my little voice will be heard together with those with sense like me
    Last edited by Spoon23; 07-31-2015, 06:33 PM.


      Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
      No just stating the obvious. One day at a time.

      Floyd Mayweather is a protected padded boxer. He's boxing style is why people are seeing why MMA is more exciting and fight fans are diverting to where the real action is.

      Until they fixed that loop hole where in boxers clinch for no reason but freeze the action. This sport will die.
      It's not dying. Boxing is doing just fine. There's boxing outside of Manny. Newsflash, I know.



        Originally posted by johnm is... View Post
        It's not dying. Boxing is doing just fine. There's boxing outside of Manny. Newsflash, I know.

        May 2 fight. Was the nail in the coffin for millions of casual fans who were potential to be real boxing fans. But after that they went south and went to MMA.

        Talking about millions here lost..

        Coz of one guy named Floyd. Truth hurts homey.

        8-4 pac after precise post review.
        Last edited by Spoon23; 07-31-2015, 06:58 PM.



            Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
            May 2 fight. Was the nail in the coffin for millions of casual fans who were potential to be real boxing fans. But after that they went south and went to MMA.

            Talking about millions here lost..

            Coz of one guy named Floyd. Truth hurts homey.
            Can you join them? MMA could use delusional fans like you to stalk their forums, & since the only reason you pretended to be a boxing fan in the first place has lost to a vagina there's no reason to stick around.

            & even if it isn't you, it doesn't make you any less of a loser for spending so much time making excuses for your idol.


              Originally posted by AllEyesOpen View Post
              Can you join them? MMA could use delusional fans like you to stalk their forums, & since the only reason you pretended to be a boxing fan in the first place has lost to a vagina there's no reason to stick around.

              & even if it isn't you, it doesn't make you any less of a loser for spending so much time making excuses for your idol.
              I love sports especially boxing ( thats why im here) and like any sport it has to evolve. Nba through time tweeked rules to make it fan freindly and more competitive. Boxing hasnt evolved up to now.

              Clinching every time a fighter traps an opponent is cheap exploitation. The ref does the work for him an bails him out. It is not the job of the ref to bail him out. That is for the fighter to find away.

              Basically there's a loop hole being exploited like how floyd has mastered it lol

              The way clinching is allowed to be exploited, it removes one of the essential aspects of boxing, INSIDE FIGHTING. When the referee bails him out, the fighter who clinches, and the one attacking loses all the hard work that he put in especially when on the ropes. that's just bad boxing.
              Last edited by Spoon23; 07-31-2015, 08:21 PM.


                Originally posted by ChicoEscuelaNYC View Post
                Honest to God I would have bet any amount of cash that Spoon was between 14-21 years old just trolling for kicks.

                It's beyond pathetic that this is a grown man who really has nothing more valuable to do with his spare time than troll this forum non-stop. No wonder his wife left him and he's seeking companionship from Internet strangers.

                The biggest travesty is his poor son has a loser for a dad -- hopefully his mother has full custody.
                You took the words right out of my phuckin face! I swore he was anywhere from 13-17 and was here for a good troll. Which is why he had such poor, logic to his arguments, vocabulary etc... When I saw the pics I kind of felt bad. Creepy dude.


                  Originally posted by johnm is... View Post
                  Pretending it was you in order to get another guy banned is a pretty classless thing to do.
                  Which is why maybe you shouldn't have stood along side spoon23 pitchfork in hand. As I've stated before I can agree with you to a point that it was in poor taste but look at who we are dealing with here. He got the guy banned and now is openly admitting it was for no reason because it wasn't him. Which by the way I don't get why the mod would've done that to begin with what if someone made a fake spoon23 account as a goof and posted it. Tom many variables if spoon could've proved to the mod that it was him then I get it.

                  By the way it's all BS anyway because I def believe that guy to be Spoon and he's just trying to cover it up but whatever. It was a goof and it was mildly entertaining when playing these kind of games people are always looking to up the ante and if that wasn't spoons account he did just that by getting the guy banned ... He's just an all around prick


                    Originally posted by brickcityboxing View Post
                    You took the words right out of my phuckin face! I swore he was anywhere from 13-17 and was here for a good troll. Which is why he had such poor, logic to his arguments, vocabulary etc... When I saw the pics I kind of felt bad. Creepy dude.
                    it wasnt even him. And my other account got banned. I messaged reed to see if i can get my account back because after all it wasnt even spoon in the pics. Dont ban me mods btw just message me . i made this account to work it out lol


                      Originally posted by brickcityboxing View Post
                      Which is why maybe you shouldn't have stood along side spoon23 pitchfork in hand. As I've stated before I can agree with you to a point that it was in poor taste but look at who we are dealing with here. He got the guy banned and now is openly admitting it was for no reason because it wasn't him. Which by the way I don't get why the mod would've done that to begin with what if someone made a fake spoon23 account as a goof and posted it. Tom many variables if spoon could've proved to the mod that it was him then I get it.
                      Right. Because I'm some kind of fucking future seeing psychic

                      And I don't know why it's so difficult for you guys to understand. My stance had nothing to do with the fact that it was spoon. I would have made the exact same comments no matter who it was. You're as blinded by that fact, as spoon is by his love for Pacquiao.

                      Go look back at my initial comment. "he doesn't deserve to have his person stuff posted."

                      Hardly "pitchfork in hand." But hey, overreact. I don't mind.

