Originally posted by IMDAZED
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Ariza: Floyd fighting on May 2, but not vs Pacquiao
Originally posted by ADP02 View PostSorry but that is not what is going on. Floyd gave his demands and Manny/Arum agreed. You seem to miss the big picture. Unless they are newbies at this, Floyd demanded that Manny agree on PEDs testing, Date, money, and a few other key points. In other words, the major issues that had to be resolved. Manny/Arum agreed on those items. It is nearly the end of the month so it does not make any sense that Floyd didn't bring up the major points.
I'd like to see you produce a primary source (other than Arum/Pac) that Floyd provided a full list of comprehensive terms for team Pacquaio to agree to. If you don't know what primary sources are I can explain that to you: a source that is reporting first hand and involved in the actual negotiations.
You say that there has been no news but sorry but that too is not true. Just last week, it was reported that the Networks were the only major hurdle left. ALL other points was just academic. Only Floyd was the wild card in this.
This is simply not true. Every news report is a SECONDARY REPORT regurgitating the things that were said by Arum and Pac. There is no other PRIMARY source (especially nobody on the Mayweather side) that has said all the terms have been agreed to and that the networks coming to an agreement at this point is the final stepping stone. There have been positive reports but everyone on the Mayweather side has side the terms are still being worked out while Arum & Pac are the only ones saying there is nothing left to negotiate between camps.
If you are right, then it is Floyd's fault for negotiating in a ****** manner but what you say does NOT make any sense. Time is very important at this stage.
I think you don't understand how negotiations work. When you negotiate it is a SINGULAR event. Just because 4 years ago Floyd had a full list of demands this doesn't mean that these will be Floyd's demands forever. When you went to the gas station several months ago the price of gas was much higher, if you go now the price of gas is much cheaper. Supply and demand dictate a ton in negotiations. Floyd is clearly in more DEMAND than Pac (PPV #'s), thus although it may not be something you agree with, if he wishes to request more money now than he did in past negotiations he is well within his right to do so. Do I agree that he should be so greedy? Hell no, but at the same time just because I don't agree with something doesn't mean that my opinion or view of events is the absolute truth. Floyd isn't doing anything that is too outside of the ordinary, he is comparing what they have brought to the table in terms of value recently and dictating negotiations with his leverage. I personally want and think Floyd should concede ground so that the fight can come off, but at the same time I'm a business man myself and can't hate on the man for trying to make everything in his favor.
If all the major points were not discussed then the negotiations up to this point was all a big joke. Who is to blame if you are right? FLOYD's TEAM.
Why? Because they demanded some but not all of the major points which were negotiated and agreed upon. Then you are saying that Floyd comes back with new demands? ......... which I will have to call ROADBLOCKS!!!
Negotiations are not static, they are dynamic. Terms change. Prices change. Negotiations for THIS May 2nd period haven't been reported as finalized by any other PRIMARY source besides Arum/Pac. In regards to "new" demands (how you so eloquently twisted into roadblocks); if you visited an attorney today who is brand spanking new he will typically charge in the $150-$200 range per hour. Let's say you retained that attorney for a case. Now let's say you visited that same attorney 10 years later to retain him for the case, it is likely at that time that he will charge around $400 an hour due to his increase in experience. Does that mean he's ducking your case? No, it just means he has more leverage (experience) now and can charge you more for the same service if he chooses to. You as a client can choose to hire someone else or move forward with the proven guy. Pac can choose to concede to Floyd's demands (because it's pretty clear Floyd isn't conceding now) or choose to fight someone else.
That is why I say it is all a big joke by Ariza.
Floyd was harping on Manny's PPV # and other stuff. What? It's all a joke. Ariza sounded like its all Arums' fault but then he says that the 2012 $40 million offer was great for Manny. What a big joke!
Floyd was harping on Manny's numbers because he is usuing this as his reasoning to take more money. As far as Ariza, he never said that $40 mil was a great offer (Wow you should be a DJ, you're clearly amazing at spinning things). Ariza said that Floyd is the only one that is putting out OFFERS. He was just getting at the point that nothing conclusive in regards to this fight has EVER been produced by Arum, while Floyd has 2 confirmed offers. He was also stating that Arum keeps stating that they put offers on the table but has never been able to produce any form of evidence for these "offers."
You want to believe Ariza go ahead but its funny because not too long ago, Floyd and FLoyd fans hated Ariza.
I don't hate Manny or Ariza or anybody in boxing for that matter. I dislike certain personas and certain boxers (I'm actually a fan of Manny as well and buy his PPVs) but that is personal preference. I also am not saying that Ariza is the absolute truth here, but he does bring up some good points. It is really odd that Arum keeps saying they are waiting on Mayweather and that he has a deadline when there literally is no contract or any offer on the table. What exactly is Mayweather supposed to do by the end of January? Agree to a fight that is still in negotiations? In the grand scheme of things, what is Arum really asking Mayweather to do?