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Comments Thread For: Pacquiao: If Mayweather Wants The Fight, It's On!

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    meh I've lost most of my interest in this one ... the fight i wanted was 5 years ago


      It could happen maybe but Floyd need to beat Maidana first. Maidana has a punchers chance if his able to hit Floyd with solid punch if not Mayweather will stay undefeated.


        Roach just let the cat out the bag but yet people stil ignore. The man just said Arum wants that fight to be their last. This also means they never had any intention of making the fight happen.


          Originally posted by Ray* View Post
          These Two are boring, the fight has lost steam and I don't really care if they fight or not.


            Originally posted by WESS View Post
            Not to Floyd. People hate Floyd and in turn hate who he fights because he beats them. Bob was not going to allow Pac to be beaten by a guy that always wins which makes the fans hate who he beats. Bob needed a winner with the perception that he could beat him without ever putting him in the ring with Floyd.

            I mean come on, they wouldn't even put pac in the ring with WW Champion Mosley until he was losing. They wouldn't even put pac in the ring with and old De La Hoya at 100%. They wanted him at 147 where he would be dead. Yet YOU think Bob would put him in with Mayweather????? lol Maybe if Floyd was losing...
            ahahahahhaahhahahhahahahahahhahhaahahahhahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahhhaahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahah hahahahahhahahaahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahhahaha hhahahaahhahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahahahahhahahahhahahhhhahahaahahhahhahahahhahaa hhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahah ahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhhahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahha hahahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahhhahahhahahaah hahaahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhahaahahhahahhahahahha hahhahahahahahhhahahahahhhahahahhahahahahhahhahahh ahahahahhahahhahahhhhahhhhhhahaahahhahahahhahahaha hahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahah ahahahahhahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahh ahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha hahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha hhahahahahaahhahahaahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahaha hahhahahahhhahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahha hhaahahahahhhahahhahhhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahaahhahahahhhahhahhahhah


              dude said "IF MAYWEATHER WANTS THE FIGHT"

              like I said, if enough agree to feed it then the lames will buy it....some people don't buy bs because they're hip to the prices.....I'm one of them!!....miss me with the propaganda


                Floyd- "take the test and we have a fight"

                Those were the days..


                  Originally posted by Luilun View Post
                  MayweTher ducks manny since 2009 and now that he's a has been he'll become brave and fight pacquio
                  See cuz of post like this is exactly why I don't want the fight to happen now, cuz if Floyd wins (which he will) he will get absolutely no credit for it, they'll say he waited til pac got old and been in too many wars, so it's a lose lose situation for Floyd......


                    Originally posted by jayblack View Post
                    Pac - I want this siz gloves, I want this size ring, I want 10 mil for every lb you come in over the limit, I want 50/50 even though I don't sell nearly as much as you.
                    Floyd - I agree to everything even though I'm the "A" side all I want is for you to take the same OSDT that I'm subjecting myself to so that we can let the world see we are claen.
                    Pac - That's a ridiculous demand, besides I'm afraid of needles.

                    A year or two later the phone rings and Pac answers

                    Pac - Hello
                    Floyd - I will give you 40 mil to fight. I'll wire you 20 mil by wednesday
                    Pac - I want 50/50 and hangs up.

                    During the same time Arum says Pac has a cut that wont heal until after Floyd goes to jail. Bob also says the fight can't happen because he wants to build a new stadium which will hold more people for the fight.

                    Pac recently said he'd fight for free, but he turned down 40 mil.
                    He says his phone line is open 24/7, but he demanded 50/50 and hung up on Floyd when he called him. Why can't Pac reach out to Mayweather if he wants the fight? Mayweather reached out to him twice and Pac turned down the fight twice. Why should Floyd reach out to him again?
                    Ariza has stated that the issues with the fight not being made were due to Pac's side not wanting it.
                    Roach has recently stated that he believes Bob wants that fight to be Pac's last.
                    Bro please stop, you are gonna get banned for speaking too many Facts!!!
                    They don't pay attention to FACTS here, just theories and things they supposedly heard or suspect...


                      Originally posted by mrpizza-nd_beer View Post
                      After seeing last night's Pacquiao, Mayweather decided to end his career with a fight with Khan.
                      floyd already openly ducked khan once with no shame.. he's on the run from khan like bradley, marquez and broner are.

                      i cant see floyd risking a khan fight.. khan is basically floyd's new pacquiao

