Up to about a month back I always knew Chavez Sr. was an ATG. I've seen him fight and acknowledged that he was good. It wasn't until recently that I actually began to study him and realized how good he actually was. I can't believe I called him a slugger for so long. The man was an amazing boxer puncher with emphasis on boxer. In my opinion just because he didn't fit whatever mold a boxer should be he's not given the credit of how good his boxing really was. Sure he punched to kill but everything was so precise. His balance was perfect, punch selection perfect; he could win from the outside, mid-range or inside. Today he became one of my favorite boxers of all time. Mind you, I already knew he was ATG status and have seen his fights plenty of times before I just decided to actually study how he applies his craft.
Is there anyone else you guys may feel the same way about and had an "enlightened" moment of?
Is there anyone else you guys may feel the same way about and had an "enlightened" moment of?