I like Floyd just as much as I like Manny and I always try not to be bias but come on Floyd fans.
Every time somebody mentions a fight or makes a thread about Pac and Floyd fighting you guys talk like you don't want it to happen.
I don't care who you are or what side your on, you have to admit a victory over Pac would complete Floyds legacy.
If Floyd doesn't fight Pac a lot of boxing fans will hold it against him and it will be written and talked about forever. There is no other fighter that will have that affect on Floyds career.
Another thing is this...If not Manny then who? Like it or not Manny is the biggest threat and stands the best chance of beating Floyd.
Lets stop making excuses for why Floyd shouldn't fight Manny and lets start demanding it for the good of our beloved sport.
Every time somebody mentions a fight or makes a thread about Pac and Floyd fighting you guys talk like you don't want it to happen.
I don't care who you are or what side your on, you have to admit a victory over Pac would complete Floyds legacy.
If Floyd doesn't fight Pac a lot of boxing fans will hold it against him and it will be written and talked about forever. There is no other fighter that will have that affect on Floyds career.
Another thing is this...If not Manny then who? Like it or not Manny is the biggest threat and stands the best chance of beating Floyd.
Lets stop making excuses for why Floyd shouldn't fight Manny and lets start demanding it for the good of our beloved sport.