You may be able to say a lot of things about Floyd Mayweather, but one thing you cannot say is that the man doesn't know business. Broke athletes and especially boxers litter the annals of history. Mayweather is using boxing and not letting boxing use him. Love him or hate him there is something to be said about that.
A TR tactic but since its Floyd it a duck move. Haha!
Pac fans screaming to keep him relevant. Rios....hahaha!
only in floyds naked dungeon of d!ck s@cking fans can a fighter tell another fighter to fight fight under his promotion to be able to get a fight with him is not a duck move
only in floyds naked dungeon of d!ck s@cking fans can a fighter tell another fighter to fight fight under his promotion to be able to get a fight with him is not a duck move
Yeah yeah youve used the naked dungeon thing before but like i said TR does it to get a Pac fight so what the difference
only in floyds naked dungeon of d!ck s@cking fans can a fighter tell another fighter to fight fight under his promotion to be able to get a fight with him is not a duck move
TR does it all the time. So does GBP.... it's a business move... Lucas signed with Haymon to get a Garcia fight. Very recently. It happens all the time but when floyd does it since hes a boxer/promoter its a duck move...manny should have agreed to testing instead of ducking in 09.
Does anyone even care about this fight anymore? I have very little interest in it now since he just got sparked by Marquez. The fight should have happened in 2010. It will never be as big of a fight as it should/could have been.