I am amazed at what seems to be some serious denial on the part of Froch fans. You all are talking as if the Ward fight was even remotely close when that isn't even in the realm of reality. Honestly all Froch is an an alphabet belt holder. And regardless if they fought in Oakland, Vegas, New York London or the local Masons hall in Nottingham, England I wouldn't even give Froch a punchers chance to ever beat Ward much less ever out box him.
why would a 3rd Froch/Kessler fight generate much interest? -- it would be a meaningless fight -- the 2nd fight was good but hardly 'spectacular' as the commentators kept gushing -- it might be a good business decision for Froch but would do nothing to enhance his standing in the sport -- for that, he needs to move on -- Ward would also be a business decision for $$$$ because there is simply no way that he beats Ward, which he basically admitted in his post-fight interview