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Comments Thread For: Timothy Bradley Shocks Manny Pacquiao, Wins Belt

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    Originally posted by Rane-Ex54 View Post
    I think its united that pacman won, but please be realistic. Pacman didnt DOMINATE Bradley at all, or knock him around all fight. He connected with the better punches, but Bradley gave a good fight. I thought alot of the rounds were even, still thought Manny won it prob 8-4 or 7-5. To me this exposed 2 parties, horrible judges, and how badly biad HBO is. No credit was given to Bradley at all. If you are a boxing fan, you know Lamply has been dckriding pacman for years. I actually like to watch fights on mute cause of him.
    They'll come to their senses soon enough


      Originally posted by WESS View Post
      Time to fire the POS that is Bob Arum, decline the rematch with Bradley and take Floyd up on his offer and then retire....
      I'm actually in favor of that.


        I have been saying since day one that Bradley was going to beat pacroid, so why are all you pactoids butt hurt about the decision. Who gives a f@ck what you'll think. Two out of three judges had Bradley winning and that's all that matters. The idiot should have taken the 40 mil from Money. Now after this devastating lose he will be lucky to get 20 mil from him. My cong**** goes out to the dessert storm. You came, you saw and you conquered!!!


          Originally posted by Chex31 View Post
          This was complete domination.

          Unlike the close fights with JMM.
          this... Manny was class act as usual though.


            Originally posted by Bring It On View Post
            How did the British commentators/experts score the fight?
            the british scored it for Manny this time just like they scored it for JMm the last time,theyre a lot more honest over there than the comentators here ,here even if its the wrong decision theyre afraid to lose their job and wont say the truth ever.......


              Pacquiao won the fight, Arum Took a big gamble, it might backfire on him if Pacquiao retired



                There's a lot of Blind DumbA**es around !


                  Originally posted by El Dominicano View Post
                  HBO commentating is as much of a cancer to the sport as Bob Arum. I can't wait to watch the British commentary, they're unbias. Manny clearly won but it was never as one sided as many here are making it out to be. I'm out,

                  Peace yall.
                  This is so spot on, it was amazing how they(Lampley) ignored any punches landed by Bradley.....with that said, I gave him 4 rounds.Pac must have been ready to leave Arum or he was pissed with the Ariza thing


                    Originally posted by DempseyRollin View Post
                    funny thing is that idiot had bradley losing before the scores were announced.
                    I must be blind because I sure as hell didn't that ass whooping coming


                      Judges scorecards!!!!!!!!!! Round by round recap

                      Round 1: At the bell both fighters charge to the center of the ring. Bradley throws the first punch but misses. Pacquiao throws a wild combination then, after Bradley connects, Pacquiao lands a pair. Bradley may be throwing fewer punches but he's landing more.

                      Judges: Jerry Roth, C.J. Ross 10-9 for Pacquiao; Duane Ford 10-9 for Bradley

                      Round 2: Bradley continues as the aggressor, but 30 seconds in, the patient Pacquiao lands a couple of shots. At the minute mark, Bradley catches him in the middle of the ring and lands some punches of his own. With 1:12 left, Bradley backs Pacquiao against the ropes and gets off three shots.

                      Judges: Roth, Ross 10-9 for Bradley; Ford 10-9 for Pacquiao

                      Round 3: Bradley lands a hard right to the midsection to start the round, then the two fighters clinch. Bradley is probing with the left, keeping the right ****ed and loaded. Pacquiao is bobbing and weaving, looking for an opening. With 90 seconds left, he finds it and gets off the kind of lightning-fast shot Bradley fears.

                      Judges: All 10-9 for Pacquiao

                      Round 4: The most action in the fight so far with both men mixing it up in the center of the ring. Pacquiao is getting the best of it, and Bradley is cautioned for a low blow. He then clinches twice, forcing Byrd to step in and separate the fighters. Bradley is in trouble with 40 seconds to go as Pacquiao chases him around the ring.

                      Judges: All 10-9 for Pacquiao

                      Round 5: Bradley has become much less aggressive, and now it's Pacquiao who is charging forward, his confidence growing. Bradley fakes a couple of punches, then begins backing up again. Pacquiao is trying to cut the ring off. Bradley lands a couple of lefts, but they have little effect.

                      Judges: Roth 10-9 for Pacquiao; Ross, Ford 10-9 for Bradley

                      Round 6: Bradley lands a soft left, but it doesn't hurt Pacquiao, whose speed is overwhelming the challenger. Bradley flinches every time Pacquiao so much as feigns a punch. Pacquiao gets off a good left counterpunch.

                      Judges: All 10-9 for Pacquiao

                      Round 7: It took Pacquiao most of the first two rounds to get a feel for Bradley, but he's unstoppable now. Even on the rare occasions when Bradley gets off a good punch, Pacquiao answers with two of his own. And while Bradley's punches appear to have little effect, Pacquiao's appear to be taking a toll.

                      Judges: All 10-9 for Bradley

                      Round 8: A minute in, Bradley appears to get caught in the eye by Pacquiao's thumb, and Byrd momentarily pauses the fight. When it resumes, Bradley is in trouble. Bradley is just tapping at the champion — and for good reason: Whenever he winds up, he leaves himself wide open to Pacquiao's vicious counterattack. Pacquiao again has him backing up at the bell.

                      Judges: Roth 10-9 for Pacquiao; Ross, Ford 10-9 for Bradley

                      Round 9: Pacquiao, patient as always, finds the challenger leaning forward and drives him into the ropes with a couple of shots. Then halfway through the round, Bradley bends at the waist to avoid one punch and Pacquiao nails him with a pair of uppercuts. Bradley gets off a right to the head, but he continues to leave himself open.

                      Judges: Roth, Ross 10-9 for Pacquiao; Ford 10-9 for Bradley

                      Round 10: Bradley doesn't have the punching power to KO Pacquiao now, so this one is going the distance. Just inside two minutes into the round, Bradley lands a couple of punches. And halfway into the round, while Pacquiao clinches, he gets off a shot to Pacquiao's head.

                      Judges: All 10-9 for Bradley

                      Round 11: Bradley continues showing some fight, first slipping a couple of punches and then backing Pacquiao against the ropes. But he doesn't make much of the chance. The crowd, quiet for most of the fight, begins to shout Bradley's name. Pacquiao shuts that down with a flurry of punches that are mostly for show.

                      Judges: Roth, Ross 10-9 for Bradley; Ford 10-9 for Pacquiao

                      Round 12: The fighters touch gloves to start the round. Bradley needs a knockout, but he's not showing sufficient urgency. Pacquiao continues to fight moving forward, and Bradley hits him in the jaw early in the final minute. The round ends with both fighters throwing wild punches.

                      Judges: All 10-9 for Bradley

                      DECISION: Roth 115-113 for Pacquiao; Ross, Ford 115-113 for Bradley. Bradley wins split decision.

