You can't have well known celebrities doing time with the general population anyway, it almost never happens. Even when Mike Vick went to state prison, he was isolated for most of those 18 months I believe.
If you put those guys in with the general population, it just wouldn't go well. You can't put celebrities in with them, it almost never happens.
If Floyd was in with the general population, you'd have guys that may try to get at him, or you'll have half the population crowding around him and it'd probably start a riot or something.
Anyways, anyone with half a brain knew this already.
Vick didn't do state time Vick did fed time. And I believe it's up to a person to decided where he wants to stay. They can't force u to pc up if u don't want to. In floyds case it was smart for him to pc cause I'm sure a lot of inmates in the general population would like to get their hands on Floyd.
You can't have well known celebrities doing time with the general population anyway, it almost never happens. Even when Mike Vick went to state prison, he was isolated for most of those 18 months I believe.
If you put those guys in with the general population, it just wouldn't go well. You can't put celebrities in with them, it almost never happens.
If Floyd was in with the general population, you'd have guys that may try to get at him, or you'll have half the population crowding around him and it'd probably start a riot or something.
Anyways, anyone with half a brain knew this already.
Throw him in there. I can't stand one rule for the rich and famous and another rule for the rest of us.
Vick didn't do state time Vick did fed time. And I believe it's up to a person to decided where he wants to stay. They can't force u to pc up if u don't want to. In floyds case it was smart for him to pc cause I'm sure a lot of inmates in the general population would like to get their hands on Floyd.
Lol!! Negative. Judges give out sentences only. A judge can't order u to protected custody if u denied. Where u stay is out of the judges hand. Nice try though.
dude's gonna either lose his mind or mellow the **** out
I have a feeling Floyd might use this to change his attitude and personality. He's gonna put come and say he learn from this and is a better man now. This will be the perfect reason for Floyd to change his ways to attract more fans? But knowing floyd he will come out screaming thug life!!