I remember growing up and being drawn to the sport by James Toney and Pernell Whitaker, I can't remember which one came first but I believe it was James Toney that made me a fan of the sport, I rememer when he would declare "lights out" on anyone that made him see his own blood when he did his pre-fight interviews...truly great memories...toney and whitaker were the first 2 guys to draw me into the sport...besides my uncle who fought as an amateur...
Not a fighter but a fight. Mike Weaver v Big John Tate.
I think the first fight I watched that was a big event was Hearns-Hagler. After that I watched SRL and Tyson on a continual basis.
But the fighter that I think I got my fighting style from was Holyfield. I saw him fight Foreman and I've stuck with that fight the bigger man toe to toe style since.
I was already a fan of boxing, but he sealed the deal. The rest is history.