Almost a year ago people were criticizing Pac for not fighting "young, prime undefeated fighters". You have Bradley who is a "young, prime undefeated fighter" so he wouldn't be classified as a "washed up, past prime, drained Mayweather leftover." So now that Bradley, the guy people say that Pac is apparently ducking, is in line for a fight he's now considered a bad opponent? You people are so f#cking hypocritical and it's apparent that no matter who Pac fights he won't be getting any credit.
We don't even know if this fight is gonna happen next year since nothing has been signed but I'm willing to bet that it's merely a back up plan. I, like most of you, WANT the Pac-May fight to happen ASAP but if that fight doesn't materialize I wouldn't mind Tim Bradley as a possible opponent.
We don't even know if this fight is gonna happen next year since nothing has been signed but I'm willing to bet that it's merely a back up plan. I, like most of you, WANT the Pac-May fight to happen ASAP but if that fight doesn't materialize I wouldn't mind Tim Bradley as a possible opponent.