Floyd Mayweather
Sun pisces
Moon Taurus
Mercury Aquarius
Venus Aries
Mars Aquarius
Saturn Leo
Jupiter Taurus
Moon conjunct jupiter in taurus- large home, highly decorated home, luck and opportunity with money. Taurus being fixed earth, floyds emotions are stable and rooted in practicality.
Transiting Jupiter is conjunct his natal jupiter and moon, LUCK and opportunity is on Floyds side tonight
Mars opposite Saturn- Feels that no matter how hard he works he still has a lot to prove especially to his father( saturn) This is what is responsible for his work ethic.
Mars trine pluto- Will power to fight and strong perserverence, in the objective and analytical air signs aquarius and libra respectively. Some here may say floyd is soft and will wilt when pressed, but this is simply not the case.
Victor Ortiz
Sun aquarius
Moon pisces
Mercury aquarius
Venus Sagittarius
Mars aries
Mars Aries trine Saturn Sagittarius, Gives victor explosive power and energy due to Mars Aries, but ALSO adds stamina and endurance along with the ability to work consistantly and stay on routine due to saturn.
Venus conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius- Victors self image is not the greatest, he internalizes the fact his parents ditched him and his brother. He feels as if it could have been his fault and it effects his self esteem- this is most likely NOT a TRULY confident person and prone to depression. Risk of injury to the thighs
Sun Aquarius- In detriment, the sun represents someones core , and ego, their self confidence and will power, Leo is the suns natural ruler, indicates pride, belief in self. When in aquarius, the individual has a hard time seeing themself as an individual, they see themself as a piece of a puzzle, they are not natural fighters as fighting is something you have to do alone, these are natural team players.
Moon Pisces- Sensitive and easily hurt. These individuals lick their wounds through drinking or drug use usually. They do not tell someone theyve been hurt they deal with it in private (neptune) here is the big one though, these people are many times psychic and extremely sensitive to their environment. Pisces being water, Victor loves the beach, surfing, boating etc, it helps calm him. out of all the water signs Id say this is the most prone to choking on the big stage due to being easily influenced by environment.
How do they match up with eachother? Victors moon, is on floyds sun. Victor looks up to Floyd
Floyds pluto opposes victors mars, Floyd will be able to dictate the tempo of the fight and fluster victor
all for now, have to run errands but im not done lol
Sun pisces
Moon Taurus
Mercury Aquarius
Venus Aries
Mars Aquarius
Saturn Leo
Jupiter Taurus
Moon conjunct jupiter in taurus- large home, highly decorated home, luck and opportunity with money. Taurus being fixed earth, floyds emotions are stable and rooted in practicality.
Transiting Jupiter is conjunct his natal jupiter and moon, LUCK and opportunity is on Floyds side tonight
Mars opposite Saturn- Feels that no matter how hard he works he still has a lot to prove especially to his father( saturn) This is what is responsible for his work ethic.
Mars trine pluto- Will power to fight and strong perserverence, in the objective and analytical air signs aquarius and libra respectively. Some here may say floyd is soft and will wilt when pressed, but this is simply not the case.
Victor Ortiz
Sun aquarius
Moon pisces
Mercury aquarius
Venus Sagittarius
Mars aries
Mars Aries trine Saturn Sagittarius, Gives victor explosive power and energy due to Mars Aries, but ALSO adds stamina and endurance along with the ability to work consistantly and stay on routine due to saturn.
Venus conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius- Victors self image is not the greatest, he internalizes the fact his parents ditched him and his brother. He feels as if it could have been his fault and it effects his self esteem- this is most likely NOT a TRULY confident person and prone to depression. Risk of injury to the thighs
Sun Aquarius- In detriment, the sun represents someones core , and ego, their self confidence and will power, Leo is the suns natural ruler, indicates pride, belief in self. When in aquarius, the individual has a hard time seeing themself as an individual, they see themself as a piece of a puzzle, they are not natural fighters as fighting is something you have to do alone, these are natural team players.
Moon Pisces- Sensitive and easily hurt. These individuals lick their wounds through drinking or drug use usually. They do not tell someone theyve been hurt they deal with it in private (neptune) here is the big one though, these people are many times psychic and extremely sensitive to their environment. Pisces being water, Victor loves the beach, surfing, boating etc, it helps calm him. out of all the water signs Id say this is the most prone to choking on the big stage due to being easily influenced by environment.
How do they match up with eachother? Victors moon, is on floyds sun. Victor looks up to Floyd
Floyds pluto opposes victors mars, Floyd will be able to dictate the tempo of the fight and fluster victor
all for now, have to run errands but im not done lol