Originally posted by lfc19titles
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The Official DAMN, Oscar says sorry to Bob Arum and Pacquiao on twitter thread
Since Oscar Apologized, which i assume was for the blatant accusations, I would also like to see Arum do the same. Arum though does not owe Oscar an apology. Arum owes the sport and its fans an Apology. Arum owes an apology for turning this sport into a more and more fringe sport. He has no regard at all for the fans and the fights they want and fully expect.
Somebody has to be the bigger man.
Bob clearly is a moron and won't make amends with anybody.
Good for Oscar and good for the sport that Bob is trying to kill before he retires.
Hopefully now we can get on with boxing.............
This isnt the first time hes done this. Its not like this apology is anything other then an attempt to look good to the fans.
Isnt he in rehab too?